Hey Jacquie, I'm sorry I'm late responding to yours and Sheryl's posts but I'm still trying to get used to this new site and I've been thinking that I should be getting alerts if someone had responded and it wasn't 'til I read Boojum's recommendations on how to set the pages up so that I could tell when someone had responded and I didn't I realize you and Sheryl had indeed done so.
Jacquie, I think the only way I learn is through messing something up. It seems it really takes that for me, for it to get through my being so bull-headed, stubborn.
See, when you got your Mitriostigma you were just caring for it the way you thought it should or had you done research? Well, I've no excuse, really, for almost murdering this one as I have the book written by Byron E. Martin and Laurelynn G. Martin,"Logees' Grenhouses Spectacular Container Plants" which has the Mitrio. listed, among many others, is is detailed about water, light, temp. and fertilizer. I'm looking at the book right now.
I prefer to mix my own orchid mix but all other things, I'm with you, have it made, mixed, minced etc. up for me.
You must be an optimist to see the possibilities of the first Mitrio. to at least maintain a vestige of its former beauty. When the woman at Logee's asked me if I had growth on the top of the Mitrio. and I said yes then she said that it will probably be alright but to 'leach, leach, leach.' Today, I leached, tomorrow I'll leach, and I'll probably leach Wednesday. I'll try to remember to take a pic. of it since I've cut off the dessicated leaves and trimmed it up some. Remind me it I don't send it to you.
Heat: I was telling Owen last week that people can love Summer all they want and I guess there are some aspects that are nice but I hate the heat/humidity of the South and I've lived here all my 54 yrs. I've never gotten used to it. I just looked at the thermometer and it's already 98. It will certainly get to or over 100 before sundown.
Ok. Off to take the pic., see if anyone else has been kind enough to respond, make a salad, then just lounge around the rest of the afternoon. I'll not bore you with all the things I've done today. What I will say is they were all tedious.