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Avatar for kevin101
May 17, 2020 11:45 AM CST
Thread OP
Charlotte, NC (Zone 7b)
Planted last fall/winter.
Had a lot of green berries.
But most of them dropped recently.
What is wrong?
Too much water? Not enough water? Leaves looks fine.

Avatar for oneeyeluke
May 18, 2020 4:01 AM CST
Name: one-eye-luke US.Vet.
Texas (Zone 8a)
Quitter's never Win
Birds Cat Lover Dog Lover Hummingbirder Organic Gardener
Dig down beside the holly and feel the soil about a ft under ground. Feel down to the bottom of the hole, is it too wet or too dry? The plant will need a lot of water the first and second years and need to be watered by hand with a water hose..... The first 3 years are critical for Nellie Stevens when it comes to adaption to the growing environment. Good luck.
NOT A EXPERT! Just a grow worm! I never met a plant I didn’t love.✌
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  • Started by: kevin101
  • Replies: 1, views: 581
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