We planted this fuchsia -- oh, probably 25 years or more ago. I'm sure I knew what it was when we planted it, but I don't know now.
I'd like to, though . . .
What ever it is, it is of a vining/climbing habit. Presently, it is probably almost 20-ft. wide at the "bottom", where the plant grows from. But it has gone up a 10-ft. tall retaining wall, and has formed an immense cloud of bloom up at the top, by the street, in full, often intense sun.
It blooms like mad, pretty much all year, in Coastal Southern California. It is absolutely immune to fuchsia gall mite. The blooms are small but clustering, and quite striking in the sun.
Here are some images:
Its roots are under an old gazebo. In blooms in there . . .

And it grows to the right, out into the sun, where it blooms in more volume

Then, it grows some up, and left, and blooms above the gazebo and the roses there
But the most spectacular thing it does is go right up the wall, through the fence, and makes a big blooming "bush" up by the street:
Oh, and this year, it has produced two self-pollinated seedlings, which are growing vigorously.
Any thoughts?