i have been losing them one after another
the first seed pod loss was the one on my baby SDK
then one of the Pandas lost all the seed pods
a cpl of the KSD pods didn't make it and so forth
they just quit growing bigger
the most recent loss is one whole Imperial sunrise quit
i opened the pods to see what was happening and they had itty bitty seeds that just didn't delvelop
i think the plant was too young to handle the pregnancy
but there are still some very large seed pods developing as large or larger then golf balls
and boy am i going to have a lot of Kaleidoscope seed Wow
i've also lost several of my babys
seems the KSD crosses aren't as strong as the SDK
and i'm down to only 3 KSD babys
but the SDK babys are doing very good, i even put some out in the garden
we have had a cpl heat waves were the Green house got over 100°
sure made a bunch of limpy everything in there
most have recovered some have not and i will just have to wait til spring
hope i haven't rattled on too long for an answer
i should take some picts and show status