Give It a Whorl:  Exploring the Intricacies of Poly, Double and Multi-Form Daylilies

October 12, 2012

What's in a whorl? Would a whorl by any other name be as sweet? There seems to be confusion in the daylily world as to what constitutes polymerous, double and multi-form daylilies. This article will look at each to help you learn to identify them with ease.

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Oct 11, 2012 7:49 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Michele
Cantonment, FL zone 8b
Seller of Garden Stuff Region: United States of America I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Dragonflies Pollen collector Garden Ideas: Level 2
Hosted a Not-A-Raffle-Raffle Hummingbirder Region: Florida Daylilies Container Gardener Butterflies
Oct 11, 2012 8:08 PM CST
Name: shirlee
southeast (Zone 6b)
Daylilies Hybridizer Seed Starter Pollen collector Garden Photography Garden Ideas: Level 1
Butterflies Birds Dragonflies Canning and food preservation Herbs Vegetable Grower
Beautiful flowers. Great talk with humor. Green Grin!
Oct 11, 2012 10:40 PM CST
Name: Betty
Bakersfield, CA
Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Birds The WITWIT Badge Garden Ideas: Level 1 Roses
Irises Daylilies Cat Lover Region: California Region: United States of America
Very interesting and informative! And great pictures!
Oct 12, 2012 8:54 AM CST
Name: Leslie Mauck
Chapin, SC (Zone 7b)
Birds Plant and/or Seed Trader Region: South Carolina Lover of wildlife (Raccoon badge) Pollen collector Hummingbirder
Hostas Daylilies Container Gardener Cat Lover Butterflies Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge)
Thanks, you guys. You've made my day. I tip my hat to you.
Oct 12, 2012 10:45 AM CST
Name: pam
gainesville fl (Zone 8b)
Bee Lover The WITWIT Badge Region: Ukraine Enjoys or suffers hot summers Pollen collector Native Plants and Wildflowers
Hydrangeas Hummingbirder Dragonflies Daylilies Butterflies Birds
Great article and pictures. Loved it.
Oct 12, 2012 3:29 PM CST
Name: Vicki
North Carolina
I helped beta test the Garden Planting Calendar I sent a postcard to Randy! Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Forum moderator Region: United States of America
Purslane Garden Art Region: North Carolina Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Garden Ideas: Master Level Million Pollinator Garden Challenge
This was a WONDERFUL article - loved the details and photo's - Thank you! Thumbs up
NATIONAL GARDENING ASSOCIATION ~ Garden Art ~ Purslane & Portulaca ~
Oct 12, 2012 4:08 PM CST
Name: Margaret
Near Kamloops, BC, Canada (Zone 3a)
Region: Canadian Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Tip Photographer Garden Ideas: Master Level I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Charter ATP Member
Morning Glories Critters Allowed Birds Houseplants Butterflies Garden Photography
Great article with beautiful bloom photos, thanks Leslie. I tip my hat to you.
Apr 13, 2014 12:31 AM CST
Name: Glen Ingram
Macleay Is, Qld, Australia (Zone 12a)
(Lee Reinke X Rose F Kennedy) X Unk
Amaryllis Hybridizer Canning and food preservation Lilies Native Plants and Wildflowers Orchids
Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Pollen collector Lover of wildlife (Raccoon badge) Plays in the sandbox Sedums Seed Starter
Very interesting. So if a daylily is registered and described one way it cannot be shown in another way? eg. a single that also gives lots of polys but wasn't registered as a poly can never be shown as poly even if it is?
The problem is that when you are young your life it is ruined by your parents. When you are older it is ruined by your children.
Last edited by Gleni Apr 13, 2014 2:57 AM Icon for preview
Aug 2, 2014 6:16 PM CST
Name: Leslie Mauck
Chapin, SC (Zone 7b)
Birds Plant and/or Seed Trader Region: South Carolina Lover of wildlife (Raccoon badge) Pollen collector Hummingbirder
Hostas Daylilies Container Gardener Cat Lover Butterflies Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge)
I think it could be but it would have points taken off.
Aug 2, 2014 6:46 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Michele
Cantonment, FL zone 8b
Seller of Garden Stuff Region: United States of America I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Dragonflies Pollen collector Garden Ideas: Level 2
Hosted a Not-A-Raffle-Raffle Hummingbirder Region: Florida Daylilies Container Gardener Butterflies
Glen you are correct, if a daylily is registered and described one way then it can't be shown another way.

In your example.......First, if the classification chair is doing their job (although things can be overlooked depending on how big the show is) then the bloom should never be placed in a section to begin with if it is registered as a single and it has a poly bloom that is brought in; it should go in a display only area.

If a daylily is registered as a single and it polys on the day of the show and you put it in the single section then it will either have points marked off or most likely it will just be marked judged meaning it was looked at it was not worthy of points because it was not showing what it was registered as. If it is put in the poly (double/poly section since there isn't just a poly section) section and the judges are aware that it is not registered as a poly it will be disqualified or marked as judged. Sometimes if the judges are not familiar with a daylily then it may get overlooked and they may assume it is in the right section and it is a poly. Since not very many people show polys in shows around here I have seen the judges ask for it to be looked up and make sure the bloom is indeed registered as a poly.

It's the same with single blooms that may have a double bloom, it can't be out in the double section or if the double isn't doubling on the day of the show then it can't be put in the single section. Whatever the registration says it is it where it is supposed to go.
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