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Jan 20, 2011 6:13 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Plants and Plumerias
American South (Zone 7b)
I'm on a down hill slide to middle
Charter ATP Member Birds Tropicals Seed Starter Orchids Region: Mississippi
Hummingbirder Dog Lover Container Gardener Cat Lover Butterflies Enjoys or suffers cold winters
Might someone be so kind as to tell me how to maintain my M. paniculata I received about a month ago? It looks great and remains in its pot and potting mix from the nursery. thanks, L.

Plants and Plumerias and others.
Jan 20, 2011 8:08 AM CST
Name: Lee Anne Stark
Brockville, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5a)
Perpetually happy!
Keeps Goats Forum moderator Frogs and Toads Tip Photographer Keeper of Poultry I helped plan and beta test the plant database.
I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Critters Allowed Cottage Gardener Charter ATP Member Lover of wildlife (Raccoon badge) Region: Canadian
I did a bit of googling and found this:

"Warm - minimum 60F in winter. As much light as possible. Shade from hot sun. Keep compost moist at all times - reduce watering in winter. Mist leaves frequently."

I can't grow them up here, the house gets too dry in the winter.
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Jan 21, 2011 5:05 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Plants and Plumerias
American South (Zone 7b)
I'm on a down hill slide to middle
Charter ATP Member Birds Tropicals Seed Starter Orchids Region: Mississippi
Hummingbirder Dog Lover Container Gardener Cat Lover Butterflies Enjoys or suffers cold winters
Thanks Threegardeners, I appreciate your taking the time to find the info. It will be useful. If I can help you with anything, please feel free to let me know. L.

Plants and Plumerias and others.
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  • Started by: kevin51
  • Replies: 2, views: 1,008
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