I thought the similarity was quite amazing between the two plants when comparing the hibiscus Flower to the geranium Flower.
When comparing the geranium Flower to mallow or hardy hibiscus Flower in the Larger blow up geranium pic really is a wild geranium Cranesbill Wild Geranium Maculatum A SEE link Below.
More of the same flower pics from the plants showing actual size. The leaves are geranium leaves.
I blew up the geranium flower for comparison to the Hardy hibiscus or mallow flower only.....they are amazingly so similar in structure. However not in size or leaf shapes.
These are from the Cranesbill wild geranium..just blown up...they are only about 2" flowers
The wild geranium really does look very similar to mallow or hardy hibiscus flowers however the leaves, structure and growth pattern are different .And the deer haven't gobbled them up this season.
It's a very hardy plant and a lovely filler for floral designs.