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Oct 28, 2012 5:04 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Juli
Ohio (Zone 6a)
Region: United States of America Charter ATP Member Cottage Gardener Daylilies Garden Photography Enjoys or suffers cold winters
Birds Hummingbirder Butterflies Dog Lover Cat Lover Garden Ideas: Master Level
I am drawn to the little ones - and Pat has some neat ones.

does anyone grow hers? in the north?

I cannot afford a new daylily, but I am seriously considering one of her 2013's.
Oct 28, 2012 5:25 PM CST
Name: Laura Eiras
Huntsville, AL (Zone 7b)
Cat Lover I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Daylilies Ferns Hostas Lilies
Region: Alabama Enjoys or suffers hot summers
No, but after looking at her web site I want some! Drooling Drooling Drooling Drooling

Last edited by Ditchlily Oct 28, 2012 5:25 PM Icon for preview
Oct 28, 2012 5:55 PM CST
Name: Jan
Hustisford, WI
I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Cat Lover Daylilies Dog Lover Irises Region: United States of America
Region: Wisconsin
Oh my! I love The Mouse That Roared and Polywog In A Bog
Oct 28, 2012 5:58 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Juli
Ohio (Zone 6a)
Region: United States of America Charter ATP Member Cottage Gardener Daylilies Garden Photography Enjoys or suffers cold winters
Birds Hummingbirder Butterflies Dog Lover Cat Lover Garden Ideas: Master Level
The Mouse That Roared is out of Nutmeg Elf. NE is one of my all time favorites. So, I would love to get The Mouse That Roared... Lovey dubby
Oct 28, 2012 6:31 PM CST
Name: Julie C
Roanoke, VA (Zone 7a)
Daylilies Garden Photography Region: Virginia Photo Contest Winner: 2015 Heucheras Cat Lover
Hummingbirder Clematis Lilies Birds Garden Art Butterflies
I grow quite a few of Pat's and they do very well here on the edge of zone 6/7.
I need to grow more of her little ones but really like Little Lemon Twist. It is a perfect pinched crispate form on a 3.25" bloom! It is nocturnal and blooms begin to open by 7 PM - grows like a weed here!

Also LOVE Snow Crab - have just had it a couple of years and it will need dividing in the spring. It is registered as 4.5" so it qualifies as a large flower, but looks like a small flower and has many blooms open at once.

Would love to get a few more of hers too!
Oct 28, 2012 6:35 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Juli
Ohio (Zone 6a)
Region: United States of America Charter ATP Member Cottage Gardener Daylilies Garden Photography Enjoys or suffers cold winters
Birds Hummingbirder Butterflies Dog Lover Cat Lover Garden Ideas: Master Level
so cute! Lovey dubby
Oct 29, 2012 2:45 PM CST
Name: Char
Vermont (Zone 4b)
Daylilies Forum moderator Region: Vermont Enjoys or suffers cold winters Hybridizer Dog Lover
Organic Gardener Keeper of Poultry Garden Ideas: Master Level Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Hosted a Not-A-Raffle-Raffle Photo Contest Winner 2023
I've been drawn to Pat's daylilies as well, she has a great eye for distinction. I hope to add her Octomom someday.A few others that catch my eye are Zen Again which has such wonderful clear soft colors and Made You Blush, for it's color & form. Amazing the amount of curl in the segments of In the Loop, The Mouse that Roared is really cute, too! Love the ruffles on Little Lemon Twist and Snow Crab. So far the only one I grow is Mystic Pizza. Super saturated color and performs very well here in z4.

Mystic Pizza

Thumb of 2012-10-29/Char/9e8da6
Oct 29, 2012 3:07 PM CST
Name: Julie C
Roanoke, VA (Zone 7a)
Daylilies Garden Photography Region: Virginia Photo Contest Winner: 2015 Heucheras Cat Lover
Hummingbirder Clematis Lilies Birds Garden Art Butterflies
A couple other of Pat's that grow here are Screamcicle:

and Made You Blush:

Have seen others in local gardens, since Pat lives fairly close by. I need to get some of her polys but they sell out in two minutes <LOL>
Here is Kathy's Cat Spooky ( bright sun, unfortunately, taken in Janice Kennedy's garden:

and Mystic Pizza ( I think this was taken in Faith and Jerry Bange's garden):
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