Name: Jelinda AKA jojoe Ivey Thomson,Ga. (Zone 8a) If a door closes look for a window!
I rooted some S.lineare variegatum this summer & have it in a 6 in pot.My plans were to let it get good & established this winter. Then plant it in a rock garden next spring,is it ok outside in it's pot as long as it doesn't frost or freeze?At what low temp should it be brought in or can it stay out up to freezing but not below freezing or should i bring it in sooner?
It does very well in our zone 8. Here, take a look at this information. Carpet Sedum (Sedum lineare 'Variegatum')
That is going to be a wonderful clump come next summer.
Name: Jelinda AKA jojoe Ivey Thomson,Ga. (Zone 8a) If a door closes look for a window!
Will the S.lineare variegatum live ok outside all winter? I thought plants in pots needed to be brought inside at some point to keep soil in pot from getting to cold or even freezing.
I can't wait until the cuttings i rooted this summer become such a nice looking clump like i seen in the database.It's hard to believe they will grow tall,every time any part of mine touches soil it roots.There are also so many new little rosette's growing from the stems,some grow under or over already existing leaves.It is beginning to hang over the sides of the pot & some pieces are growing up!!!It will look nice in my rock garden growing over some of the taller rocks!!
I'm excited can't wait!!!
A green thumb comes only as a result of the mistakes you make while learning to see things from the plants point of view!!