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Feb 4, 2010 2:52 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Toni
Denver Metro (Zone 5a)
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.
Birds Garden Ideas: Master Level Salvias Garden Procrastinator Irises I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database!
Charter ATP Member Xeriscape Region: Colorado Roses Cat Lover The WITWIT Badge
OK, everyone's mentioned a rose shipper and I have to mentioned that in my pathetic small amount of time I've been doing roses (ie: 2 years?) that with ordering roses, I've been EXTREMELY happy with Roses Unlimited! Yea, sure, the packing prices are pretty high considering I'll have a shipment of 12 roses coming in in April and it'll cost over $250, but I live in a very limited local area when it comes to roses.. people believe that roses cannot be grown in Colorado other than Knockouts, which you cannot kill even with pouring RoundUp on them (well, maybe not RoundUp, but you know what I mean). So, after drooling at some of the rose parades from some of our more luckier persons here (you know who you are... which is basically everyone other than me), I really would love to get some of these roses, but cannot get them locally. Plus I feel a lot better buying from RU due to the fact I get a "rose" and not a teeny little whip while paying the same price. I got a total of 9 bands last year (09), 8 of which have survived *this* long, but I just cannot really justify the price difference!

I love Roses Unlimited! Now if they only took credit cards!!!! This is Tempi Moderni.. it tried to bloom all the way up until we got a heavy snow in October.

Here's their site:

Thumb of 2010-02-04/Skiekitty-c7303e
Roses are one of my passions! Just opened, my Etsy shop (to fund my rose hobby)!
Feb 4, 2010 4:32 PM CST
Name: Zuzu
Northern California (Zone 9a)
Region: Ukraine Charter ATP Member Region: California Cat Lover Roses Clematis
Irises Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Plant Identifier Garden Sages Plant Database Moderator Garden Ideas: Master Level
I'm glad you started this thread, Toni. I think this is my favorite nursery for own-root roses. I used to like Amity more, but they changed their assortment so much that it isn't very exciting to me these days.

I'm actually glad Roses Unlimited doesn't have a shopping cart and credit cards because I could click myself into bankruptcy quite easily on that site. The way things are set up now, I actually have to think twice before I order.

I just thought of something I should have included in the welcome thread for this forum. Could you please add a link to the nursery in your first posts in this forum from now on?
Feb 4, 2010 4:41 PM CST
Name: dana aka iris28
tristate area, ky z6b
I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Irises Roses
also my fave, its so hard.. they are my fave for quality and selection.. chamblees for price
Feb 4, 2010 6:41 PM CST
Name: Evey Blalock
South Louisiana - Zone 8b/9a (Zone 8b)
Cat Lover Ponds Region: Louisiana Irises Herbs Garden Art
Dog Lover Daylilies I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Clematis Roses
I agree... Roses Unlimited is great! Pat, who runs it, is also a wonderful lady. She's generous with her advice and fair with her prices.
~Evey =)

"Grow where you are planted." - My gpa
Feb 4, 2010 7:00 PM CST
Name: dana aka iris28
tristate area, ky z6b
I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Irises Roses
they are the next cheapest from chamblees then goes vintage and heirloom. not sure on the others. but my roses from ru came blooming like i drove there and picked them up. i love when i pull a rose out of the box and its got flowers on it ! i dont think anything is better.. well besides a nursery if youve got a good one for roses (we dont really)
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Feb 9, 2010 4:56 PM CST
Name: Tom
Chicago, near the lake
Let me throw my vote RU's way also. They have a great selection and they are so reliable, always shipping quality roses. I'm also fond of Palatine and some others. This year I ordered Pepita, Charles Rennie Macintosh and Chantal Merieux from RU. From Northland Rosarium I ordered Lambert Closse and Martha. From RoseFire I ordered Prairie Joy. From Chamblee I ordered three Blushing Knock Out so there will always be some neutral color in the garden. If you have grown any of these besides Blush KO, please share your experience with me! Meanwhile, I have unreasonably romantic winter rose dreams of them, picturing each as perfection itself:) Sticking tongue out
Feb 9, 2010 9:29 PM CST
Name: Zuzu
Northern California (Zone 9a)
Region: Ukraine Charter ATP Member Region: California Cat Lover Roses Clematis
Irises Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Plant Identifier Garden Sages Plant Database Moderator Garden Ideas: Master Level
Hi, Roseprose --

What's RoseFire? Is it a new nursery?
Avatar for roseprose
Feb 9, 2010 9:41 PM CST
Name: Tom
Chicago, near the lake
zuzu, it's been around for a while, RoseFire, Ltd., a small nursery in Ohio specializing in winter hardy varieties. Last year the owner sent me a very healthy plant, the alba, Queen of Denmark.
Feb 9, 2010 10:13 PM CST
Name: Zuzu
Northern California (Zone 9a)
Region: Ukraine Charter ATP Member Region: California Cat Lover Roses Clematis
Irises Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Plant Identifier Garden Sages Plant Database Moderator Garden Ideas: Master Level
They aren't listed on and that's where I usually discover nurseries, but I found the Website and I think I'll avoid temptation by not even looking at their selection. The shipping to me for one rose would be $18.75 and for two roses it would be $41.25. Just for shipping!

Isn't that bizarre, though, that the shipping for two roses is more than double the shipping for one? It would be cheaper to place two separate orders for one than to order both at the same time.
Feb 9, 2010 11:15 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Toni
Denver Metro (Zone 5a)
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.
Birds Garden Ideas: Master Level Salvias Garden Procrastinator Irises I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database!
Charter ATP Member Xeriscape Region: Colorado Roses Cat Lover The WITWIT Badge
ouch, shipping is really high.. I think that it's because they're shipping out 1 gal plants. But they don't have anything I'm interested in that I can't get locally. Oh well.
Roses are one of my passions! Just opened, my Etsy shop (to fund my rose hobby)!
Feb 17, 2010 2:11 PM CST
Name: Vicky Thompson
Michigan (Zone 5b)
Sempervivums Roses Charter ATP Member Peonies Region: Michigan Lilies
I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Farmer Cottage Gardener Enjoys or suffers cold winters Annuals Daylilies
Great rose vendor!
Great Lakes Roses (now closed) and R.U.
are my favs for ownroot roses.
They send big healthy roses compared
to a lot of name brand ownroot rose vendors that typically send twigs
that are sometimes diseased to boot.
No problem on not excepting credits card orders.
You can just email them an order then just send them
a check or money order before your roses ship.
"I'd rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck"
Cottage Rose Birds n' Blossoms

May 12, 2010 1:01 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Toni
Denver Metro (Zone 5a)
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.
Birds Garden Ideas: Master Level Salvias Garden Procrastinator Irises I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database!
Charter ATP Member Xeriscape Region: Colorado Roses Cat Lover The WITWIT Badge
Roses Unlimited, oh how you can get me into trouble. Just got off the phone w/them in regards to my order, they were out of some of the roses I wanted due to the bad winter everyone had this year, so I had to make some substitutions. So this is what I'm getting:

Blue Skies
Lavender Pinocchio
Hot Princess (Was getting Tipsy Imperial Concubine, they didn't have a good growout on this one)
Memorial Day (Was getting Cardinal de Richelieu, already have that, so wanted something else)
Charles de Mills
Natasha Monet
Paw Maw
Rhapsody in Blue
Rose Marie Viaud
Shocking Blue

Now I have to get a money order. Bleh. I hate doing that.. I hate the USPS! But I should get my roses next week! Yay!
Roses are one of my passions! Just opened, my Etsy shop (to fund my rose hobby)!
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  • Started by: Skiekitty
  • Replies: 11, views: 2,214
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