I just have to spread the word about the wonderful rose bush I purchased today at -- Lowe's no less! I got the 2011 AARS Winner WALKING ON SUNSHINE (Floribunda) in a 3 gal. pot with flowers and many buds for -- $19.98. I am a sucker for yellow roses and I love the floribundas, and they had a collection of them out front calling to me when I walked by -- and that was all it took! They were desperately in need of water, and I rushed mine home and gave it a big drink and drench and it now looks wonderful. Here are pictures:
Name: Toni Denver Metro (Zone 5a) Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.
OMG, that is AMAZING!!! That has to be one of the most vibrant yellows ever!! Just got the notification that HD will finally start carrying roses here.. getting them tomorrow (Shipments are Mondays & Thursdays.) Plus I got a coupon for buy 2, get 1 free. The Hunt starts TOMORROW! I hope I have as good as luck as you did!! That's gorgeous!!
Name: Toni Denver Metro (Zone 5a) Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.
Betty - They had those at my Lowes too, at least 1 of the lowes I went to, but they looked SOOO horrible.. all dried & crunchy I wasn't about to chance it. Yours looks a billion times better than the ones we had here!!
That's too bad. The ones they had here were really dehydrated too, so it could be that by the next day they were gonners if they didn't have the sense to get some water to them.
That's is a gorgeous rose! I love those stop traffic bright colors:) May have to get that one. I'm pretty new to buying and growing roses...my only experience with any roses were some ramblers on a rustic wood fence when I was a kid and some long established rose bushes at our home in southeastern NM. The best performing one was yellow and me and my mom's favorite. Guess I'll be looking around for that one:) Great find!!