Well it's that time again, blooms are popping up all over the place.
I hope some of you have found some of my images under the plant profiles already. To restate my goal for the year, I intend to photograph every bloom that happens on plants under my care. The named cultivars I'll be posting in the database entries, but I'll post images of my seedlings blooms here for my own reference, hopefully readers can enjoy them as well.
This is a tufted yellow seedling of mine, it will most likely never see the market but it is one that I like a great deal and I will be breeding it this year.

It's parents are of x christii and arachnoideum descent, the flowers show what appears to be a predominantly arachnoideum shape and color, but towards the petal's tips you can see a slight striation of multi-tonal pink created by what I believe to be the x christii cross of pink montanum and yellow grandiflorum. I think because theres about 50% arachnoideum in here it explains the bottom half of the petals being that solid pink coloration.
This plant has a lot to contribute to it's offspring, the mounds are tight, the center of the rosette is pursed which I like, the color is interesting and there are just over 40 offsets from seed planted in 2019. I'm hoping one more generation will add distinction to this look.
More to come,