Pectin huh? I've always wondered what made semp fur spool and stick together the way it does, good info with a tasty twist! I wonder if that'd mean you could skip the preservatives if you wanted to can semps, it'd take a lot of sugar to make semp jelly edible though!
I tried a semp leaf once, I'd describe it as two things; bitter and sour. Hard to think of a true culinary use for them, maybe with some dill or horseradish you could make a relish?
Here's another seedling bloom for the books, this one's for Alex who was asking about purple semp flowers, it may not be royal purple but it's overlay of dark pink on white has created petals with a soft pastel purple…

This is a purple core seedling from a NoID that looked an awful lot like 'Killer'. The core color on this one remains all throughout the year which is why I'm using it as a parent this year, I've already crossed it with 'Borscht' and another purple cored seedlings of mine with wide leaves.