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Jul 15, 2021 6:51 AM CST
Fairfax VA (Zone 7a)
Sedums Sempervivums Hybridizer Houseplants Cactus and Succulents Garden Procrastinator
Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Garden Photography Tropicals Native Plants and Wildflowers Miniature Gardening Wild Plant Hunter
Maybe if the semp is super wooly you can start making yarn and wool products from the hair?!??

How fun would it be to wear Sempervivum fuzz socks!??!?! Ok, maybe not as comfortable as I imagine
Jul 15, 2021 10:47 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Sol Zimmerdahl
Portland, Oregon (Zone 8b)
Container Gardener Garden Art Sempervivums
Well it certainly is soft, I'd bet that'd be a comfortable material if you could harvest enough of it to do anything with. A whole field planted with these types might do the trick Rolling on the floor laughing Lookout Sheep the competition has arrived!
Jul 15, 2021 12:21 PM CST
Name: Lynn
Oregon City, OR (Zone 8b)
Charter ATP Member Garden Sages I helped plan and beta test the plant database. I helped beta test the Garden Planting Calendar I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Plant Database Moderator
Forum moderator I helped beta test the first seed swap Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Plant and/or Seed Trader Garden Ideas: Master Level
Rolling on the floor laughing Rolling on the floor laughing
Alex, you and Sol gave me my laugh for the day.
Maybe we can use a work force of garden elves/fairies to do the harvesting. It would be very delicate work. Whistling
Jul 15, 2021 3:23 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Sol Zimmerdahl
Portland, Oregon (Zone 8b)
Container Gardener Garden Art Sempervivums
Miniature semp sheers
Jul 15, 2021 4:44 PM CST
Name: Marilyn
Greenwood Village, CO (Zone 5b)
Garden today. Clean next week.
Heucheras Bookworm Region: Colorado Garden Procrastinator Region: Southwest Gardening Container Gardener
Enjoys or suffers cold winters Sempervivums Annuals Foliage Fan Herbs Garden Ideas: Level 2
Hilarious! Hilarious! Hilarious! Hilarious!
Hilarious! Hilarious! Hilarious! Hilarious!
Thanks for the giggles. I am sad I cannot get them to live in my climate, but enjoy the adventures of you Semp Masters.
Jul 15, 2021 8:09 PM CST
Name: Lynn
Oregon City, OR (Zone 8b)
Charter ATP Member Garden Sages I helped plan and beta test the plant database. I helped beta test the Garden Planting Calendar I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Plant Database Moderator
Forum moderator I helped beta test the first seed swap Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Plant and/or Seed Trader Garden Ideas: Master Level
When I gather enough fur Marilyn, I'll knit you some ear muffs. Big Grin
Avatar for JungleShadows
Jul 15, 2021 10:20 PM CST
Name: Kevin Vaughn
Salem OR (Zone 8a)
They would probably be sticky ear muffs Lynn as the hairs are highly enriched in pectin so that they cross link and collect moisture. They would do better at thickening jelly.

Jul 16, 2021 6:46 AM CST
Fairfax VA (Zone 7a)
Sedums Sempervivums Hybridizer Houseplants Cactus and Succulents Garden Procrastinator
Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Garden Photography Tropicals Native Plants and Wildflowers Miniature Gardening Wild Plant Hunter
Sempervivum Fuzz Jello!
Jul 16, 2021 2:40 PM CST
Name: Lynn
Oregon City, OR (Zone 8b)
Charter ATP Member Garden Sages I helped plan and beta test the plant database. I helped beta test the Garden Planting Calendar I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Plant Database Moderator
Forum moderator I helped beta test the first seed swap Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Plant and/or Seed Trader Garden Ideas: Master Level
Hmmm, Strawberry Fuzz Jam. Maybe not.
Avatar for JungleShadows
Jul 16, 2021 3:06 PM CST
Name: Kevin Vaughn
Salem OR (Zone 8a)
Maybe it would be like cotton candy!

Jul 16, 2021 3:34 PM CST
Fairfax VA (Zone 7a)
Sedums Sempervivums Hybridizer Houseplants Cactus and Succulents Garden Procrastinator
Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Garden Photography Tropicals Native Plants and Wildflowers Miniature Gardening Wild Plant Hunter
Jul 16, 2021 3:53 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Sol Zimmerdahl
Portland, Oregon (Zone 8b)
Container Gardener Garden Art Sempervivums
Pectin huh? I've always wondered what made semp fur spool and stick together the way it does, good info with a tasty twist! I wonder if that'd mean you could skip the preservatives if you wanted to can semps, it'd take a lot of sugar to make semp jelly edible though!
I tried a semp leaf once, I'd describe it as two things; bitter and sour. Hard to think of a true culinary use for them, maybe with some dill or horseradish you could make a relish?

Here's another seedling bloom for the books, this one's for Alex who was asking about purple semp flowers, it may not be royal purple but it's overlay of dark pink on white has created petals with a soft pastel purple…
Thumb of 2021-07-16/GeologicalForms/c181cd
This is a purple core seedling from a NoID that looked an awful lot like 'Killer'. The core color on this one remains all throughout the year which is why I'm using it as a parent this year, I've already crossed it with 'Borscht' and another purple cored seedlings of mine with wide leaves.
Jul 8, 2023 3:02 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Sol Zimmerdahl
Portland, Oregon (Zone 8b)
Container Gardener Garden Art Sempervivums
I just found this bloom in my seedling patch recently and thought I'd share it here, it's got to be the reddest bloom I've ever seen. These photos haven't been doctored in any way, the blooms still have a pinkish tinge, but I found the color to be shockingly distinctive…
Thumb of 2023-07-08/GeologicalForms/15cbe6
Thumb of 2023-07-08/GeologicalForms/c97292
The semp was an amusing yellow/green from 'Olivette' seed. A sibling bloomed last year with some strongly colored brown flowers. The blossoms are also quite large on both plants.

Jul 8, 2023 4:00 PM CST
Name: Lynn
Oregon City, OR (Zone 8b)
Charter ATP Member Garden Sages I helped plan and beta test the plant database. I helped beta test the Garden Planting Calendar I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Plant Database Moderator
Forum moderator I helped beta test the first seed swap Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Plant and/or Seed Trader Garden Ideas: Master Level
Saul, that is gorgeous.
Jul 9, 2023 7:25 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Sol Zimmerdahl
Portland, Oregon (Zone 8b)
Container Gardener Garden Art Sempervivums
Thanks Lynn, I'm tempted to keep the seedling just for the bloom! it's an interesting plant otherwise, yellower than Olivette but not the yellowest thing I have, it's got that rounded shape of it's parent though which I do like.
Jul 10, 2023 4:18 AM CST
Romania, Mures (Zone 6b)
Region: Europe Roses Sedums Sempervivums
The blooms look very nice.
If I recall correctly 'Olivette' is a prolific cloner, I had it in the past.
Last edited by PaleoTemp Jul 11, 2023 11:13 AM Icon for preview
Jul 10, 2023 1:11 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Sol Zimmerdahl
Portland, Oregon (Zone 8b)
Container Gardener Garden Art Sempervivums
'Olivette' does clone well, and is a fun one to gave around. Unfortunately it's nearly infertile which makes me hesitate to cross these blooms. I raised only six seedlings from a large Olivette bloomstalk, which is substantially less than I'd have gotten from handcrosses to most varieties. The brown flowering sibling of this plant gave me a grand total of zero seedlings from handcrosses made two years back, so the odds aren't likely this red flowering one will be any better at producing viable seed. I may just leave this bloom to the bees and see what happens in the next generation, as much as I'd love to cross it with some other strongly colored flowers.

I'm mostly just crossing my own seedlings this year, since I've already begun selecting in various directions it seems to make the most sense to just stick with those goals and continue to refine my seedling beds with another round of selections. I'm also easing up a little on the quantity of crosses, I still have a ton of sibling groups that need to be selected from so I think it'd be wise to give myself the opportunity to catch up.
Jul 10, 2023 1:55 PM CST
Romania, Mures (Zone 6b)
Region: Europe Roses Sedums Sempervivums
Speaking of leaving blooms to bees, do heuffelii cultivars get less bee interest than other species type of cultivars?
I have 3 heuffelii cultivars in bloom now and there is no insect in sight interested in them.
The hylotelephium seem to attract some tiny quick bees that "jump" around, I see those each year having an interest in hylotelephium even when the blooms aren't open quite yet, so that makes me wonder if maybe only certain insects are interested in heuffelii or it is just a coincidence.
Last edited by PaleoTemp Jul 11, 2023 3:14 AM Icon for preview
Jul 10, 2023 3:44 PM CST
Name: Lynn
Oregon City, OR (Zone 8b)
Charter ATP Member Garden Sages I helped plan and beta test the plant database. I helped beta test the Garden Planting Calendar I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Plant Database Moderator
Forum moderator I helped beta test the first seed swap Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Plant and/or Seed Trader Garden Ideas: Master Level
Great question, Paleo.
I don't have any heuffelii now, just sempervivum. But when I did I notice that only certain flies/bees seemed interested in the heuffelii blooms.

What is the experience of others?
Jul 11, 2023 11:12 AM CST
Romania, Mures (Zone 6b)
Region: Europe Roses Sedums Sempervivums
Some of those heuffelii

'Blue Clown'
Thumb of 2023-07-11/PaleoTemp/53236d

Thumb of 2023-07-11/PaleoTemp/b5938a

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