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Dec 30, 2020 3:20 PM CST
Thread OP
North Central Massachusetts (N (Zone 5b)
Life & gardens: make them beautiful
Bee Lover Butterflies Garden Photography Cat Lover Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Region: Massachusetts
Region: Ukraine
Hi all,

Starting off the new Bee Friends and Other Garden Guests for 2021 with these garden guests.

Thumb of 2020-12-30/joannakat/5789c2

Thumb of 2020-12-30/joannakat/a53955

Can't wait to see everyone's pictures and hear about all your garden guests! May 2021 see your garden filled with many friends! Group hug
You don't kick walls down, you pull the nails out and let them fall.
AKA Joey.
Dec 30, 2020 6:07 PM CST
Name: Ann ~Heat zn 9, Sunset
North Fl. (Zone 8b)
Garden Sages Region: Ukraine Native Plants and Wildflowers Xeriscape Organic Gardener I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database!
Garden Ideas: Master Level Butterflies Charter ATP Member Plant Identifier Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Dog Lover
Okay, I think the other new thread has been deleted b/c I can't find it anywhere. Christine @wildflowers had tagged me but it's disappeared.

The ghost thread. Hilarious! Hilarious!

Thanks for the new thread Joanna.
I am a strong believer in the simple fact is that what matters in this life is how we treat others. I think that's what living is all about. Not what I've done in my life but how I've treated others. ~~ Sharon Brown
Dec 30, 2020 6:12 PM CST
Thread OP
North Central Massachusetts (N (Zone 5b)
Life & gardens: make them beautiful
Bee Lover Butterflies Garden Photography Cat Lover Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Region: Massachusetts
Region: Ukraine
flaflwrgrl said:Okay, I think the other new thread has been deleted b/c I can't find it anywhere. Christine wildflowers had tagged me but it's disappeared.

The ghost thread. Hilarious! Hilarious!

Thanks for the new thread Joanna.

Right! I didn't think it would happen that quickly, but it did! Boy, they're really on the ball!
You don't kick walls down, you pull the nails out and let them fall.
AKA Joey.
Dec 30, 2020 6:12 PM CST
Name: Christine
North East Texas (Zone 7b)
Shine Your Light!
Heirlooms Native Plants and Wildflowers Organic Gardener Hummingbirder Bee Lover Herbs
Butterflies Dragonflies Birds Cat Lover Dog Lover Garden Photography
Hilarious! The thread ghosted us!

Thank you Joanna! Thumbs up
May your life be like a wildflower, growing freely in the beauty and joy of each day --Native American Proverb

Dec 30, 2020 6:21 PM CST
Name: Ann ~Heat zn 9, Sunset
North Fl. (Zone 8b)
Garden Sages Region: Ukraine Native Plants and Wildflowers Xeriscape Organic Gardener I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database!
Garden Ideas: Master Level Butterflies Charter ATP Member Plant Identifier Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Dog Lover
We all got ghosted! Ohhhhhhhhhh the horror!!!!!! *Blush* *Blush* *Blush*

Rolling on the floor laughing Rolling on the floor laughing Rolling on the floor laughing
I am a strong believer in the simple fact is that what matters in this life is how we treat others. I think that's what living is all about. Not what I've done in my life but how I've treated others. ~~ Sharon Brown
Dec 30, 2020 6:22 PM CST
Thread OP
North Central Massachusetts (N (Zone 5b)
Life & gardens: make them beautiful
Bee Lover Butterflies Garden Photography Cat Lover Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Region: Massachusetts
Region: Ukraine
It's my pleasure! And since we're talking about ghosting, here's someone who ghosted me in's Little Green!

Thumb of 2020-12-31/joannakat/fcd7c0

Little Green is probably underground somewhere, preparing for 2021 in warmth and comfort. I believe they actually hibernate.

Apologies for posting pictures from 2020--I have no visitors right now except the dark-eyed juncos and the black-capped chickadees who will not let me take their pictures. And certainly, I have no bees because there is nothing here for them to bee eating (sorry *Blush* )
You don't kick walls down, you pull the nails out and let them fall.
AKA Joey.
Dec 30, 2020 6:23 PM CST
Thread OP
North Central Massachusetts (N (Zone 5b)
Life & gardens: make them beautiful
Bee Lover Butterflies Garden Photography Cat Lover Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Region: Massachusetts
Region: Ukraine
wildflowers said: Hilarious! The thread ghosted us!

Thank you Joanna! Thumbs up


Who knew they would be so fast???
You don't kick walls down, you pull the nails out and let them fall.
AKA Joey.
Dec 30, 2020 7:49 PM CST
Name: Ann ~Heat zn 9, Sunset
North Fl. (Zone 8b)
Garden Sages Region: Ukraine Native Plants and Wildflowers Xeriscape Organic Gardener I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database!
Garden Ideas: Master Level Butterflies Charter ATP Member Plant Identifier Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Dog Lover
Little green is so pretty.

You are right, they do hibernate:

Smooth Greensnakes emerge in April or May and mate by late spring or summer. Females lay one to two clutches of four to six eggs, which are laid from June to September. Nests are located in rotting vegetation, beneath logs or flat stones, and in small mammal burrows. Young snakes are dark olive or blue-gray in coloration. Adult and young snakes are active until late September when they spend the rest of the year hibernating below ground. Preferred hibernacula include rodent burrows and subsurface ant chambers. It is not uncommon for Smooth Greensnakes to overwinter communally with Ring-necked Snakes, Dekay's Brownsnakes, Red-bellied Snakes, and Common Gartersnakes.
I am a strong believer in the simple fact is that what matters in this life is how we treat others. I think that's what living is all about. Not what I've done in my life but how I've treated others. ~~ Sharon Brown
Last edited by flaflwrgrl Dec 30, 2020 7:52 PM Icon for preview
Dec 30, 2020 7:56 PM CST
Thread OP
North Central Massachusetts (N (Zone 5b)
Life & gardens: make them beautiful
Bee Lover Butterflies Garden Photography Cat Lover Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Region: Massachusetts
Region: Ukraine
flaflwrgrl said:Little green is so pretty.

You are right, they do hibernate:

Smooth Greensnakes emerge in April or May and mate by late spring or summer. Females lay one to two clutches of four to six eggs, which are laid from June to September. Nests are located in rotting vegetation, beneath logs or flat stones, and in small mammal burrows. Young snakes are dark olive or blue-gray in coloration. Adult and young snakes are active until late September when they spend the rest of the year hibernating below ground. Preferred hibernacula include rodent burrows and subsurface ant chambers. It is not uncommon for Smooth Greensnakes to overwinter communally with Ring-necked Snakes, Dekay's Brownsnakes, Red-bellied Snakes, and Common Gartersnakes.

Well then, Little Green is probably a 2021 guest because I have a complex rodent burrow under my tiny garden! I know there are no rodents in there because, well, let's just say that I took care of that in very swift fashion. Whistling
You don't kick walls down, you pull the nails out and let them fall.
AKA Joey.
Dec 30, 2020 8:00 PM CST
Name: Ginger
Fountain, Florida (Zone 8b)
Charter ATP Member Plays in the sandbox Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Region: Gulf Coast Tip Photographer The WITWIT Badge
I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Native Plants and Wildflowers Birds Plumerias Hummingbirder Dog Lover
Little Green is so pretty...I saw one right after hurricane Michael...only one before or since.
Once again...since she got deleted...Dixie sends happy wags for 2021 and puppy dog kisses for all the 2020 booboos 🐶😘
Each cloud has a silver lineing if only you look for it.
Dec 30, 2020 8:21 PM CST
Thread OP
North Central Massachusetts (N (Zone 5b)
Life & gardens: make them beautiful
Bee Lover Butterflies Garden Photography Cat Lover Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Region: Massachusetts
Region: Ukraine
gingin said:Little Green is so pretty...I saw one right after hurricane Michael...only one before or since.
Once again...since she got deleted...Dixie sends happy wags for 2021 and puppy dog kisses for all the 2020 booboos 🐶😘

Ginger, do you have any pictures of Dixie?
You don't kick walls down, you pull the nails out and let them fall.
AKA Joey.
Dec 30, 2020 9:50 PM CST
Name: Ginger
Fountain, Florida (Zone 8b)
Charter ATP Member Plays in the sandbox Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Region: Gulf Coast Tip Photographer The WITWIT Badge
I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Native Plants and Wildflowers Birds Plumerias Hummingbirder Dog Lover
Miss Brat Dixie doesn't like her picture taken...she usually barks like a crazy woman at the camera but here are a couple
Thumb of 2020-12-31/gingin/5fdcc6

Thumb of 2020-12-31/gingin/bf84b4
Each cloud has a silver lineing if only you look for it.
Dec 30, 2020 10:03 PM CST
Name: Ginger
Fountain, Florida (Zone 8b)
Charter ATP Member Plays in the sandbox Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Region: Gulf Coast Tip Photographer The WITWIT Badge
I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Native Plants and Wildflowers Birds Plumerias Hummingbirder Dog Lover
Ha...just woke her up and clicked before she realized
Thumb of 2020-12-31/gingin/55b14f

Thumb of 2020-12-31/gingin/e8a4c5

Thumb of 2020-12-31/gingin/e31b8e

Ok enough Dixie since she is neither bird nor bee nor butterfly...she is just a sweet old lady and my heart 💜💜
Each cloud has a silver lineing if only you look for it.
Dec 30, 2020 10:14 PM CST
Thread OP
North Central Massachusetts (N (Zone 5b)
Life & gardens: make them beautiful
Bee Lover Butterflies Garden Photography Cat Lover Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Region: Massachusetts
Region: Ukraine
gingin said:Ha...just woke her up and clicked before she realized
Thumb of 2020-12-31/gingin/55b14f

Thumb of 2020-12-31/gingin/e8a4c5

Thumb of 2020-12-31/gingin/e31b8e

Ok enough Dixie since she is neither bird nor bee nor butterfly...she is just a sweet old lady and my heart 💜💜

But she must visit the garden from time to time, right?
You don't kick walls down, you pull the nails out and let them fall.
AKA Joey.
Dec 30, 2020 10:36 PM CST
Name: Zoë
Albuquerque NM, Elev 5310 ft (Zone 7b)
Bee Lover Salvias Region: New Mexico Herbs Container Gardener Composter
Cat Lover Butterflies Bookworm Birds Enjoys or suffers hot summers
Not much bug life in my garden, either, but lots of birds at the feeders which Marley the Cat likes to watch when he's not basking in the sun.
Thumb of 2020-12-31/nmoasis/9d58a0 Thumb of 2020-12-31/nmoasis/13390d

He's no friend in the indoor garden. This was his accomplishment yesterday:
Thumb of 2020-12-31/nmoasis/2232d6

Mama was NOT pleased. Angry
Dec 30, 2020 11:09 PM CST
Name: Ginger
Fountain, Florida (Zone 8b)
Charter ATP Member Plays in the sandbox Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Region: Gulf Coast Tip Photographer The WITWIT Badge
I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Native Plants and Wildflowers Birds Plumerias Hummingbirder Dog Lover
Bad have a partner in crime....Dixie TOTALLY destroyed 2 of the 5 azaleas between the patio and house.back in the day. She still loves her BIG ball as some of you may remember but no longer balances it on her nose and runs with it. Hey at almost 14 she is entitled to just bark at it and "weed" for Momma. Bush or whatever gets in the way she destroys😏😏
Each cloud has a silver lineing if only you look for it.
Jan 1, 2021 5:39 AM CST
Name: Lynda Horn
Arkansas (Zone 7b)
Eat more tomatoes!
Bee Lover Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Tomato Heads Salvias Lover of wildlife (Raccoon badge) Peppers
Organic Gardener Native Plants and Wildflowers Morning Glories Master Gardener: Arkansas Lilies Hummingbirder
Well, I was up late for New Years Eve ball drop, something I haven't done in YEARS but my neighbors were giving a party last night on their CARPORT, in the pouring rain and a chilly 35 degrees. I woke up hearing a thunk thunk sound coming from their carport; it was all the kids whacking a huge piñata,why couldn't they do that inside? So the kittens were discombobulated by the change in schedule and all the fireworks outside, so went on a rampage and ripped over my lime tree! No damage, but dirt flying all over the place!
Peek a boo!
No insects outside here, either, so one from the summer.
Thumb of 2021-01-01/gardenfish/a30a0b
Thumb of 2021-01-01/gardenfish/23b761
Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.
Mother Teresa
Jan 1, 2021 9:21 AM CST
Name: Asa
Wasatch Front - Utah
Bee Lover Garden Photography Region: Utah Photo Contest Winner: 2016 Photo Contest Winner 2019 Photo Contest Winner 2021
Garden Ideas: Master Level
Today's bee. For the new thread and the new year:

Thumb of 2021-01-01/evermorelawnless/7d87b6
Jan 1, 2021 9:34 AM CST
Thread OP
North Central Massachusetts (N (Zone 5b)
Life & gardens: make them beautiful
Bee Lover Butterflies Garden Photography Cat Lover Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Region: Massachusetts
Region: Ukraine
evermorelawnless said:Today's bee. For the new thread and the new year:

Thumb of 2021-01-01/evermorelawnless/7d87b6

WOWWWWWWWwwwwww, what a great bee picture Asa. One of your best (not that I've seen them all). Thumbs up
You don't kick walls down, you pull the nails out and let them fall.
AKA Joey.
Jan 1, 2021 1:30 PM CST
Name: William Groth
Houston, TX zone 9a
Adeniums Cactus and Succulents Garden Photography Cat Lover Ferns Peppers
Roses Sedums Sempervivums
Here are pictures of the out door kitty

Our Indoor Cats are not thrilled with her being out on the deck!

Thumb of 2021-01-01/Willinator/0ccc93 Thumb of 2021-01-01/Willinator/08da7c
Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds that you plant.
Robert Louis Stevenson

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  • Started by: joannakat
  • Replies: 2,050, views: 30,753
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