I still can't get over that steep $35. Price Tag, for a cutting !
I'll have to look it up, as it really must be popular, for paying that sort of price.
Good for you, on your tuber sale, Mary. I'd kept a notebook style, type of gardening diary, before. I suppose you could store online, with approximate dates, for a "usual" year, to have things accomplished by certain dates. Until, it sort of becomes more routine.
Did you print out, any of those little individual Dahlia cards ?
(I had to get rid of a nice photo printer, copier, FAX, as that had "Bluetooth" & one way or another, somebody was actually using it somehow, for making cell calls. I'd figured it out, after I printed out a sheet, after replacing ink, (just for making, & printing real photos,) & then discovered all these odd phone numbers had gone through it, I threw out that printer.
Some use technology for the bad, instead if good.
Of course, showing some images off, are to show how well a person may grow some flowers. Welcome to the real world. That's a nice diversion from pandemic, & global garbage, rainforest destruction, injustices, etc... You know, those real world problems !
Some really do like the Pacific Northwest, or that Coastal, Californian climate, so growing seems much more easy, nearly year 'round, to the Southwest.
Though I sure don't miss earthquakes, flooding, then mudslides, drought, then wildfires, & things like that.
But you'd have to experience gardening in those places, to decide if you liked it enough.
Just like some consider Hawaii as paradise. Yeah, if you mainly want to grow tropicals. I do know bell peppers & tomato plants act more like some "biennial" out there, & grow for two years straight,

Not sure I ever recall seeing even one Dahlia. (But I do remember, they did sell Gladiolus bulbs, & giant Colchicum.)
Time to throw 'Tahiti Sunrise' into a pot, with "real, bagged dirt" & watch them grow. Guess I'll leave tubers that are barely attached, as I never know what may grow, or not.
May try to do a cutting, of one of those laciniated flower, types. 'Just Married'.
Sorry folks, I'm not doing wedding bouquets, though I'd imagine most marriages are delayed, until nearly heat of summer this year. (Or, entirely called off, like J-lo & A-rod ?) I do hope those that can produce on that scale, best of luck, if they are in the business. I wish this planet were all back to normal again, whatever that is, nowadays.
Oh, is there some terrible late snow storm predicted ?
Geeze, I sure do hope not ! As I was betting on a "frost free" Spring.
Let's all have impeccable clean, "picture perfect" tuber harvesting, come this Autumn time.
With plenty of nice blooms ',till the first frost. (Hope that doesn't happen until, nearly December !)
Stay healthy, in the meantime.