I'm still at home lol. I got dog fence flags and marked out 2 out of 3 of my dahlia sections to get a rough idea of how much I need to expand. The new dahlia patch and walkway between it and the rest of my existing garden is going to add about 7 feet of width along most of my garden, but idk if I can go any higher up that slope since our little sinkhole seems to be coming back
I may look into renting a sod cutter since normally I like to get the sod turned a good bit before I till over it and we are getting close to a month out from when I want to plant. Hoping to get that digging done this weekend so I can avoid the rental. I (I mean greg and I

) turned most of my new annual beds last fall- I hope everything fits! I have a lot to fit, but I am hoping that I can fit a lot given that they will be nice even rows.
I want to plant a few dahlias at Greg's house this summer, but sigh, his front yard is north facing with no sun, so I won't get to plant as many.
I forgot to mention earlier I finally caved and bought a dahlia while out shopping. My local grocery store had some small boxes of various bulbs and bare root things for $3. There was one called Rosella. It is a shorter variety with up to 10 inch pink blooms according to google. which makes it a great replacement for my Arthur Hambley which got cut from my order. I though after that to try and find a Cafe au Lait Rose which I grew in 2019 and was STUNNING, but I'll see how this one goes since it was a LOT cheaper than I'd be able to find CAL Rose I'm sure.