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Jan 27, 2021 7:23 PM CST
Thread OP
Bellevue, NE
I'm planning on several varieties of basil (cinnamon basil, aton basil, sweet basil, dark opal basil, lime basil), oregano, chives, garlic chives, lemon balm, and chocolate mint. Considering adding a few more, but would prefer relatively easy ones, especially if they can be dehydrated for future use. Any suggestions?
Jan 27, 2021 8:02 PM CST
Name: Kim
Black Hills, SD (Zone 5a)
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Thyme and parsley are good ones. I also like spearmint a lot.
Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, 1Cor. 13:4
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Jan 27, 2021 8:49 PM CST
Thread OP
Bellevue, NE
I was thinking about thyme and parsley. We don't use much mint, but i like to put chocolate mint in brownies.
Jan 28, 2021 12:18 AM CST
Name: Zoë
Albuquerque NM, Elev 5310 ft (Zone 7b)
Bee Lover Salvias Region: New Mexico Herbs Container Gardener Composter
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What do you like? Besides drying for cooking, what else would you like to use them for? For teas? For the flowers, for bees & other pollinators?

Cilantro is good fresh for seasoning, loses flavor dry. The seeds are known as coriander, and they keep. Flowers good for pollinators. It's an early cool-season herb.
Dill is a good seasoning, also early/cool.
Lemongrass, nice landscaping plant, good flavoring for Asian and Indian dishes, good for tea, dries well.
Catnip, bees and cats love it, nice in tea blends (good with your lemon balm), dries well.
Jan 28, 2021 8:24 AM CST
Name: Cinda
Indiana Zone 5b
Dances with Dirt
Beekeeper Bee Lover Overwinters Tender Plants Indoors Cottage Gardener Herbs Wild Plant Hunter
Hummingbirder Butterflies Birds Lover of wildlife (Raccoon badge) Organic Gardener Vegetable Grower
so many favorites
catnip is the favorite of my cats , lucky for me it grows wild here.

mint, camomile and stevia for tea
and several for cooking: thyme, sage, rosemary,chives , oragano
for the pollinators garlic chives
and for the smell valerian
for the flowers borage and nasturtium
..a balanced life is worth pursuit.
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Jan 28, 2021 2:39 PM CST
Thread OP
Bellevue, NE
No cats (and don't want them hanging around since my dog hates them). Not a tea drinker either. I need to look at my spice rack and see what I can possibly grow. Things for pollinators are welcome (I have bee balm and milkweed already). Was going to do nasturtiums but keep reading that they attract aphids and, other than my milkweed, I haven't had aphid problems so I'm debating planting it now since I don't want to bring in neighboring aphids.

I've heard to plant borage in with strawberries so maybe I'll try that this year or next (my strawberry needs might need redone).
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Jan 29, 2021 7:35 PM CST
Thread OP
Bellevue, NE
Here's a list of herbs that I'll definitely be growing next year:
lemon balm
cinnamon basil
garlic chives
aton basil
sweet basil
dark opal basil
lime basil

Here's some herbs that I'm considering for this year. I definitely won't be doing them, probably just a couple, but it depends on space. The ones with * are herbs I have in my pantry so could grow and dehydrate. The ones with ** are ones I'm considering more for the beneficial bugs and pollinators it will attract.
Sweet Marjoram
Summer or Winter Savory
German Chamomile**
Lemon Verbena

Any you'd suggest for containers?
Jan 29, 2021 8:00 PM CST
Name: SoCal
Orange County (Zone 10a)
Lazy Gardener or Melonator
Dill is my favorite but I grow everything, everything except mint.maybe I'll try mint again this year. Last year I killed it somehow.
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Jan 29, 2021 8:03 PM CST
Thread OP
Bellevue, NE
SoCalGardenNut said:Dill is my favorite but I grow everything, everything except mint.maybe I'll try mint again this year. Last year I killed it somehow.

How did you kill mint?! My hubby didn't water my potted one for an entire week in July. Got home from my trip and it was a dry crispy bunch of stems. I trimmed it back to the ground and watered it every day. A week or two later it was growing back.
Jan 29, 2021 8:08 PM CST
Name: John Caddell
Northern California (Zone 9b)
Basil for that sweet pungent fragrance
Medicinal - Mullein - great for ears and lungs but also those big fuzzy leaves are softer than Charmin and completely non-toxic, so, you know if you ever run out of tp...
Jan 29, 2021 8:37 PM CST
Name: SoCal
Orange County (Zone 10a)
Lazy Gardener or Melonator
Ceckery said:

How did you kill mint?! My hubby didn't water my potted one for an entire week in July. Got home from my trip and it was a dry crispy bunch of stems. I trimmed it back to the ground and watered it every day. A week or two later it was growing back.

I don't know how but I did it.
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Jan 30, 2021 11:28 AM CST
Thread OP
Bellevue, NE
Picked up a few more herb seeds just because, lol.
Thumb of 2021-01-30/Ceckery/10510d
Jan 30, 2021 11:42 AM CST
Name: SoCal
Orange County (Zone 10a)
Lazy Gardener or Melonator
I used to grow chamomile, maybe I get back to grow it again. I've been watching this very popular vblogger from China, she makes tea out of everything. Maybe I will do that. I have no idea what to do with chamomile.
Avatar for Ceckery
Jan 30, 2021 11:46 AM CST
Thread OP
Bellevue, NE
I read it brings in beneficial bugs like predatory wasps so I'm just planting it for that. I've got a stretch along the east side of my house just for flowers but I might try a few in pots I can set in the garden as well.

I'm just trying things. And I'll start extra seedlings to sell this spring. I'm ready for warm weather but need to wait a few more months.
Jan 30, 2021 11:48 AM CST
Name: Kim
Black Hills, SD (Zone 5a)
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SoCalGardenNut said:I used to grow chamomile, maybe I get back to grow it again. I've been watching this very popular vblogger from China, she makes tea out of everything. Maybe I will do that. I have no idea what to do with chamomile.

I forgot about Chamomile. Chamomile's a great one. Thumbs up
Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, 1Cor. 13:4
Let’s talk about Animal Fun Facts, Birds, Trees/Shrubs, or Oleanders!
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Jan 31, 2021 12:39 AM CST
Name: Deborah
Southern California (Zone 10a)
Rabbit Keeper
My must-have favorites are lemon verbena, peppermint, spearmint, sweet marjoram, and blue Tuscan rosemary. No lavender because to me it smells like mens' shaving cologne and I can't hang with that!
If I ever remarry-no cologne or aftershave!!
Feb 7, 2021 11:58 AM CST
Name: Cinda
Indiana Zone 5b
Dances with Dirt
Beekeeper Bee Lover Overwinters Tender Plants Indoors Cottage Gardener Herbs Wild Plant Hunter
Hummingbirder Butterflies Birds Lover of wildlife (Raccoon badge) Organic Gardener Vegetable Grower
Thumb of 2021-02-07/gardengus/5444f5

Chamomile makes a very pretty airy filler plant in pots and garden , and if you clip the flowers it will bloom till frost
I never have enough , but I do like my tea Smiling
..a balanced life is worth pursuit.
Feb 7, 2021 12:15 PM CST
Name: SoCal
Orange County (Zone 10a)
Lazy Gardener or Melonator
I did get a chamomile seed packet yesterday at Lowe's. So glad to found them, not have to go through mail order.
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Feb 7, 2021 1:00 PM CST
Name: Deborah
Southern California (Zone 10a)
Rabbit Keeper
Cinda, if you freeze chamomile tea in ice cube trays it makes a nice skin treatment. Add a few flowers to each cube and it's so pretty!
I also like to dip a cotton ball in the tea for a facial toner.
Feb 7, 2021 1:40 PM CST
Name: Cinda
Indiana Zone 5b
Dances with Dirt
Beekeeper Bee Lover Overwinters Tender Plants Indoors Cottage Gardener Herbs Wild Plant Hunter
Hummingbirder Butterflies Birds Lover of wildlife (Raccoon badge) Organic Gardener Vegetable Grower
Thumbs up
Great ideas, Deeby
I may try the face thing I have rosacea and can't use most things

It is also a great deterrent to damping off , high in sulfur, a natural anti-fungal. I use it in the greenhouse on seedlings.
..a balanced life is worth pursuit.

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