plantladylin said:That potting mix sounds perfect.I think the pot size will be okay but one cup of water a week is likely keeping the soil too wet. At this time of year plants are fairly inactive and require less water so you will need to adjust your watering routine, allowing more time for the soil to dry a bit before adding more water.
Keep us posted on how your Hindu Rope Hoya (Hoya carnosa 'Compacta') and Honey Plant (Hoya imperialis) are doing!
Omie said:I'm not so sure the poster is overwatering.
I get the impression they are not in US since they are using Celsius and ml in measurements.
They say they add "a small cup" of water once a week and that the water goes right through and out the drainage hole within 5-10 seconds. Their soil is a good hoya mix that drains well.
They explained that their 'small cup' is: "The amount of water I give it is maybe about 130-150ml (Google says 4-5 fl oz or 0.5-0.6 US cup)"... so they are actually watering a well drained pot once a week with about 1/2 cup in terms of US/ounces, only about half of a typical 8oz cup. Is that really an overwatering problem for what look to be rooted cuttings in well draining bark /hoya mix?