I built a tower trellis for my daughters garden.
Uprights are 2x2x6 (2x2's are actually 1.5x1.5). Cross members are 1/2" x 3/4". All Pine. We plan to string jute up the sides looping around each cross member to the top cross member, in order to grow peas. Two years ago we made a 4 ft. Tepee for the peas and it just wasn't tall and strong enough.
Bottom frame is secured with carriage bolts, cross members are glued and nailed. Top underneath is secured with heavy plywood 4x4 square, screwed into poles and cap added/glued to that and then final 1 x 1/2 inch fascia to finish off outside.
The bottom square frame will sit slightly below the soil and legs 5 inches deep to steady it better. The very top was a Newport High Pyramid treated post cap I found on Amazon. Found all the pine at a local Lowes store.
First photo is stages during build of course and
bottom photo is final after staining.