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May 20, 2021 9:26 AM CST
Thread OP
Kansas City
This bloomed for the first time for me in 20 years. In a group of historical iris I dug. Any idea what it is?
Thumb of 2021-05-20/Ladypat1/442b14 It has a thick feel, not like other iris. Kansas City
Last edited by Ladypat1 May 20, 2021 9:27 AM Icon for preview
May 20, 2021 2:21 PM CST
Name: Evelyn
Sierra foothills, Northern CA (Zone 8a)
Garden Procrastinator Irises Hummingbirder Region: Ukraine Bee Lover Butterflies
Plant and/or Seed Trader Region: California Cat Lover Deer Bulbs Foliage Fan
Pat ~ Welcome! to the Iris Forum! Hurray! Hurray! Hurray!

I don't have the answer, but someone here may be able to give you a clue...

"Luck favors the prepared mind." - Thomas Jefferson
Avatar for crowrita1
May 20, 2021 3:56 PM CST
Name: Arlyn
Whiteside County, Illinois (Zone 5a)
Beekeeper Region: Illinois Irises Celebrating Gardening: 2015
I don't know what it might be, but, it *appears* to me that the bloom isn't "normal"! Is that the way you remember it looking, back all that time ago ? (If your memory is like mine, all it takes is 20 MINUTES to fade!!) Anyway, I *think* that blossom / stalk may have had some chemical chance, was any herbicide used close to it ?
Avatar for Ladypat1
May 20, 2021 4:24 PM CST
Thread OP
Kansas City
I did use some round-up maybe a foot away. Drift? not enough to kill but enough to affect bloom?
May 20, 2021 4:53 PM CST
Name: Daisy
close to Baltimore, MD (Zone 7a)
Amaryllis Plant and/or Seed Trader Region: Maryland Peonies Organic Gardener Irises
Herbs Hellebores Growing under artificial light Container Gardener Cat Lover Garden Photography
Ooh, drift, yes. I had no idea that I was getting drift the time I used RoundUp about 5 feet away from my lovely dwarf alberta spruce. A few days later I noticed that, that side of the spruce was tinged with brown. It did recover, but it took a year or two.
-"If I can’t drain a swamp, I’ll go pull some weeds." - Charles Williams
May 21, 2021 12:49 AM CST
Name: Laurie
southeast Nebraska (Zone 5b)
Irises Butterflies Bee Lover Bulbs Cat Lover Region: Nebraska
Photo Contest Winner 2023
And I was about to say how pretty the bloom is! Hilarious!
How long ago did you use the roundup? Were the iris buds already forming?
May 21, 2021 1:47 AM CST
Name: Barbara
Northern CA (Zone 9a)
Region: California Cat Lover Dog Lover Irises Enjoys or suffers hot summers
Laurie, I was going to say the same thing. For possible RoundUp damage it really is a pretty bloom. I'd be interested to see what the other blooms look like.
• “Whoever said, ‘Do something right and you won’t have to do it again’ never weeded a garden.” – Anonymous
May 21, 2021 8:43 AM CST
Name: Daisy
close to Baltimore, MD (Zone 7a)
Amaryllis Plant and/or Seed Trader Region: Maryland Peonies Organic Gardener Irises
Herbs Hellebores Growing under artificial light Container Gardener Cat Lover Garden Photography
I think it's pretty, too! I would have thought RoundUp would have browned it, like it did my Alberta spruce.
-"If I can’t drain a swamp, I’ll go pull some weeds." - Charles Williams
Avatar for crowrita1
May 21, 2021 10:03 AM CST
Name: Arlyn
Whiteside County, Illinois (Zone 5a)
Beekeeper Region: Illinois Irises Celebrating Gardening: 2015
I had this all typed up, and hit the wrong, dang, button ! Glare I'll try again !

Glysophate (Round up*) doesn't need to touch the plant..or even "drift" to it, to affect it. As it evaporates(gasses off), the fumes are enough to "do the damage". it actually affects the "buds" on the rhizome, where the stalks "sprout from", so use, even very early in the season, can affect blooms.The effects aren't permanent , so next year's bloom will be OK, and even later stalks THIS year will probably be alright. Herbicides with 2,4 D ALSO gas off...and, of course, the higher the temperature, the worse it is. I use both kinds of post emergent productes, and, as careful as I think I'm being, I always have a few blossoms / plants, that are damaged. Read the directions...follow careful ! They will damage YOU, or your pets, too !
That said, "chemically affect" blossoms CAN really be pretty ! Most times, they have a "waxy" look, with thicker petals, and colors leaning more to "pastel" appearance .
May 21, 2021 11:33 AM CST
Name: Daisy
close to Baltimore, MD (Zone 7a)
Amaryllis Plant and/or Seed Trader Region: Maryland Peonies Organic Gardener Irises
Herbs Hellebores Growing under artificial light Container Gardener Cat Lover Garden Photography
LadyPat, do let us know how it blooms next year. I'm sure we'll all be intetested to know!
-"If I can’t drain a swamp, I’ll go pull some weeds." - Charles Williams
Avatar for Ladypat1
May 22, 2021 12:00 PM CST
Thread OP
Kansas City
Here is what is next to it and actually the rhizomes are connected. This is what I am used to seeing.
Thumb of 2021-05-22/Ladypat1/c6f2dc

crazy huh, I will discontinue the round up.!
May 22, 2021 1:48 PM CST
Name: Evelyn
Sierra foothills, Northern CA (Zone 8a)
Garden Procrastinator Irises Hummingbirder Region: Ukraine Bee Lover Butterflies
Plant and/or Seed Trader Region: California Cat Lover Deer Bulbs Foliage Fan
Ladypat1 said:I will discontinue the RoundUp!

Pat ~ Good idea! Thumbs up Sighing!
"Luck favors the prepared mind." - Thomas Jefferson
May 22, 2021 2:25 PM CST
Name: Laurie
southeast Nebraska (Zone 5b)
Irises Butterflies Bee Lover Bulbs Cat Lover Region: Nebraska
Photo Contest Winner 2023
On the occasions when I have used glyphosate (RoundUp) near my iris, I always erected cardboard barriers next to the iris before spraying. Setting your spray nozzle to a coarser spray helps, but even then you can get very fine spray droplets emerging--and these can drift very easily. Glyphosate volatility is very low compared to 2,4-D, but the drift of fine spray droplets could easily hit nearby desirable plants if they are not protected.

Arlyn, I'm curious to know if you have tried cardboard barriers and still got damage?

If I must use a herbicide, I use gylphosate rather than 2,4-D because of 2,4-D's high volatility. However gylphosate kills everything--so can't be used in the lawn.
Avatar for crowrita1
May 22, 2021 4:42 PM CST
Name: Arlyn
Whiteside County, Illinois (Zone 5a)
Beekeeper Region: Illinois Irises Celebrating Gardening: 2015
Barriers help, for sure...sometimes covering the whole plant (bucket, or trash can) works. I actually try to do my weed / grass spraying before any new growth starts on the irises, and, sometimes use a paint brush to apply the Roundup. But , as I said, no matter HOW careful I think I'm being...there will always be *some* damage Shrug!
Avatar for Ladypat1
May 22, 2021 5:23 PM CST
Thread OP
Kansas City
I have used cardboard barriers. I didn't in this case. I have not recognized any damage when using cardboard, that I know of. bucket idea is good too!
May 22, 2021 6:00 PM CST
Name: Laurie
southeast Nebraska (Zone 5b)
Irises Butterflies Bee Lover Bulbs Cat Lover Region: Nebraska
Photo Contest Winner 2023
When did you use the roundup? At what stage were the irises? Any information is helpful to help us learn! Smiling
May 22, 2021 9:08 PM CST
Name: Lucy
Tri Cities, WA (Zone 6b)
Charter ATP Member Cottage Gardener Irises Region: Northeast US Region: United Kingdom Region: United States of America
Enjoys or suffers cold winters
There must be other products to use. I prefer weed to roundup & we don't let it in our garden.
Avatar for Ladypat1
May 23, 2021 6:52 AM CST
Thread OP
Kansas City
I used round up early spring, Iris were up, but no bud stalks yet. I was trying to kill out old orange ditch daylilies that had taken over.
May 23, 2021 3:51 PM CST
Name: Laurie
southeast Nebraska (Zone 5b)
Irises Butterflies Bee Lover Bulbs Cat Lover Region: Nebraska
Photo Contest Winner 2023
So maybe some leaves got hit with a little drift and carried the chemical down into the developing buds.
May 23, 2021 8:24 PM CST
Easley, SC (Zone 7a)
I have had iris look just like this when a hard frost came in at an In opportune time. They were all fine the next year. I don't use weed killer in my flowers beds

I just weed and use preen

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  • Started by: Ladypat1
  • Replies: 20, views: 637
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