EDIT: Experimenting by changing my first photo to see if it will update the thread photo (?) I thought this little chickee would be better than the picture of a coop.
I've been toying with the notion of chickens again, and on a whim we bought this pre-built coop on Saturday. It's perfect for us, has all the features I've been looking at and the right size. We have a corral we are not currently using and plan to remove a section of fence, attach the coop in one corner (so we have easy access without having to go into the chicken yard) and add wire fencing to the existing 4-board fence to keep critters out and chickens in, although I will likely free range them most of the time. Chick Day at the feed store is usually early March, I'll get perhaps 8-10 baby hens. Not sure what type yet - perhaps Rhode Island Reds. I can likely pick up a rooster for free if I keep my ear out.
Here's what caught my eye at the feed store:
Opposite side, with hinged clean-out below the hinged vent:
Man door opposite the chicken door visible in the first photo: