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My Passion in the Garden, Take a Peek

By nativeplantlover
June 23, 2021

You love your garden in bloom right now, don't you? Me too. It's heartwarming to know that so many people have an inborn love of botanical nature! The NGA hosts some positively amazing photographs! With hundreds of thousands of pictures to peruse, our joy in nature is clearly evident.

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Jul 4, 2021 9:51 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Cheryl
Brownstown, Pennsylvania (Zone 6b)
Native Plants and Wildflowers Organic Gardener Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Region: Pennsylvania Region: Mid-Atlantic Bee Lover
Butterflies Dragonflies Spiders! Frogs and Toads Birds Hummingbirder
Habitat destruction and chemical usage seem to be the big two that are causing the majority of wildlife decline. We have to take our own pee pee steps rather than wait for government to change, it's always too little too late! When it comes to consumerism, cutting back on our use of ethanol gasoline for one example might help, but commercial crops producing the corn to make it used to exist side by side without the huge reprecussions to the natural environment we see now.

IN regards to chemical use Thumb of 2021-07-04/nativeplantlover/2996d5

Here's where I see the picture changing drastically: INTRODUCTION of GMO(genetically modified organism) There's plenty of argument that mankind playing with DNA has always been in place without too many problems. This is only a little true in my opinion, there are plenty of problems, but that's a whole 'nother discussion.
See below examples of human modification to just one type of garden plant:
Thumb of 2021-07-04/nativeplantlover/c5af86 Annabelle Hydrangea feeds the human eye only, no wildlife benefits

Thumb of 2021-07-04/nativeplantlover/4474b8Natural wild hydrangea feeds insect eye

Thumb of 2021-07-04/nativeplantlover/3f6aa9Can you see the difference?

Back now to chemical intervention by mankind:
The big sin is creating crops genetically that can be blasted to hell and back with Roundup chemical. We were eating this stuff too without being told about it! Grumbling There's no longer any doubt that humanity's tinkering in the natural world is way out of control. In the age of information, we can't keep walking in ignorance lest we drive ourselves into extinction right behind the other creatures of the earth.

IN regards to habitat destruction
Thumb of 2021-07-04/nativeplantlover/80c9c4
Again, we need to take our own small steps, regulating ourselves. The biggest thing I am able to do personally is to create habitat on my own property and not add to urban sprawl by shopping only in a few places. In my area, land keeps getting ripped up for more and more commercial spaces we just don't need. Seriously, how many strip malls and car lots are enough to keep us supplied? Sighing!
"My work is loving the world. Here the sunflowers, there the hummingbird — equal seekers of sweetness. Here the clam deep in the speckled sand. Are my boots old? Is my coat torn? Am I no longer young, and still not half-perfect? Let me keep my mind on what matters, which is my work which is mostly standing still and learning to be astonished." — Mary Oliver, from Messenger
Last edited by nativeplantlover Jul 4, 2021 9:56 AM Icon for preview
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