Apr 12, 2023 10:32 AM CST
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Name: Suzanne/Sue
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Apr 12, 2023 10:36 AM CST
Name: Tiffany purpleinopp
Opp, AL @--`--,----- (Zone 8b)
Region: United States of America Houseplants Overwinters Tender Plants Indoors Garden Sages Plant Identifier Garden Ideas: Level 2
Organic Gardener Composter Miniature Gardening Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Tender Perennials Butterflies
Thank you very much! : ) I'm aware. I'm continuing to update & track these particular plants in this same discussion. If there is a Geranium forum, why would all comments go in 1 discussion?
The golden rule: Do to others only that which you would have done to you.
👀😁😂 - SMILE! -☺😎☻☮👌✌∞☯
The only way to succeed is to try!
The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The 2nd best time is now. (-Unknown)
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Try to be more valuable than a bad example.
Apr 19, 2023 7:25 AM CST
Name: Tiffany purpleinopp
Opp, AL @--`--,----- (Zone 8b)
Region: United States of America Houseplants Overwinters Tender Plants Indoors Garden Sages Plant Identifier Garden Ideas: Level 2
Organic Gardener Composter Miniature Gardening Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Tender Perennials Butterflies
First bloom on winter-saved plants.
Thumb of 2023-04-19/purpleinopp/c5833d

More buds are forming on this one.

This one has really grown a lot in the couple months it has been back outside but I don't see any buds quite yet.
Thumb of 2023-04-19/purpleinopp/45599e
The golden rule: Do to others only that which you would have done to you.
👀😁😂 - SMILE! -☺😎☻☮👌✌∞☯
The only way to succeed is to try!
The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The 2nd best time is now. (-Unknown)
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Try to be more valuable than a bad example.
Apr 21, 2023 8:31 AM CST
Name: Tiffany purpleinopp
Opp, AL @--`--,----- (Zone 8b)
Region: United States of America Houseplants Overwinters Tender Plants Indoors Garden Sages Plant Identifier Garden Ideas: Level 2
Organic Gardener Composter Miniature Gardening Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Tender Perennials Butterflies
Finding more buds. I really suspect the last few times I've tried these plants before the current batch, the roots were trapped in jiffy pot nets and would not have died if I had rescued or propagated them. I'm starting to feel like they're easy to get along with now.
Thumb of 2023-04-21/purpleinopp/5e6be5

Another propagated branch.
Thumb of 2023-04-21/purpleinopp/48798b
The golden rule: Do to others only that which you would have done to you.
👀😁😂 - SMILE! -☺😎☻☮👌✌∞☯
The only way to succeed is to try!
The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The 2nd best time is now. (-Unknown)
👒🎄👣🏡🍃🍂🌾🌿🍁❦❧🍁🍂🌽❀☀ ☕👓🐝
Try to be more valuable than a bad example.
Jun 3, 2023 2:18 PM CST
Name: Tiffany purpleinopp
Opp, AL @--`--,----- (Zone 8b)
Region: United States of America Houseplants Overwinters Tender Plants Indoors Garden Sages Plant Identifier Garden Ideas: Level 2
Organic Gardener Composter Miniature Gardening Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Tender Perennials Butterflies
I'm increasingly excited to learn how little sun is required to get good blooms from these Pels, albeit kind of floppy.
The golden rule: Do to others only that which you would have done to you.
👀😁😂 - SMILE! -☺😎☻☮👌✌∞☯
The only way to succeed is to try!
The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The 2nd best time is now. (-Unknown)
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Try to be more valuable than a bad example.
Jul 23, 2023 9:52 AM CST
Name: Tiffany purpleinopp
Opp, AL @--`--,----- (Zone 8b)
Region: United States of America Houseplants Overwinters Tender Plants Indoors Garden Sages Plant Identifier Garden Ideas: Level 2
Organic Gardener Composter Miniature Gardening Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Tender Perennials Butterflies
A couple pics from yesterday. I was worried about these plants while I was gone for 10 days but they didn't seem to miss me as much as I did them.
Thumb of 2023-07-23/purpleinopp/4547cf
Thumb of 2023-07-23/purpleinopp/26e4b0
The golden rule: Do to others only that which you would have done to you.
👀😁😂 - SMILE! -☺😎☻☮👌✌∞☯
The only way to succeed is to try!
The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The 2nd best time is now. (-Unknown)
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Try to be more valuable than a bad example.
Oct 14, 2023 3:17 PM CST
Name: Tiffany purpleinopp
Opp, AL @--`--,----- (Zone 8b)
Region: United States of America Houseplants Overwinters Tender Plants Indoors Garden Sages Plant Identifier Garden Ideas: Level 2
Organic Gardener Composter Miniature Gardening Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Tender Perennials Butterflies
I don't understand these plants at all but love the periodic blooms.
Thumb of 2023-10-14/purpleinopp/4c6ba0
The golden rule: Do to others only that which you would have done to you.
👀😁😂 - SMILE! -☺😎☻☮👌✌∞☯
The only way to succeed is to try!
The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The 2nd best time is now. (-Unknown)
👒🎄👣🏡🍃🍂🌾🌿🍁❦❧🍁🍂🌽❀☀ ☕👓🐝
Try to be more valuable than a bad example.
Oct 14, 2023 4:06 PM CST
Name: Zoë
Albuquerque NM, Elev 5310 ft (Zone 7b)
Bee Lover Salvias Region: New Mexico Herbs Container Gardener Composter
Cat Lover Butterflies Bookworm Birds Enjoys or suffers hot summers
Tiffany, What don't you understand?
Oct 14, 2023 5:16 PM CST
Name: Tiffany purpleinopp
Opp, AL @--`--,----- (Zone 8b)
Region: United States of America Houseplants Overwinters Tender Plants Indoors Garden Sages Plant Identifier Garden Ideas: Level 2
Organic Gardener Composter Miniature Gardening Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Tender Perennials Butterflies
What in the *&^%$^%& they want! Sorry for the foul language, but I'm really confounded. And why are the leaves sometimes almost variegated, and sometimes not?
I've heard of overwintering them bare-root, but they seem like very thirsty plants. I see them blooming in other people's pots when it's 95° but every time I've put one out in the sun, it shrivels up. I make myself feel better by assuming they are just fake.

When offered what seems to be like a run of consistency over a few months, plants do not behave consistently. I might even call them moody.

BUT staying alive has been a great step forward. ...and a few months at a time is all the more consistency I can offer before there's a drastic change for the next few months. It's just weird that a change in conditions isn't what seems to result in a change in attitude. There's probably a huge gulf between what I perceive as consistency vs what a plant might experience as consistency. I'm leaving the roots in ground and just keeping cuttings. Probably will just result in enriching the soil, but who knows. Unpredictable plants are more interesting, from a clinical standpoint. Some plants get boring to me after too much predictable behavior.
The golden rule: Do to others only that which you would have done to you.
👀😁😂 - SMILE! -☺😎☻☮👌✌∞☯
The only way to succeed is to try!
The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The 2nd best time is now. (-Unknown)
👒🎄👣🏡🍃🍂🌾🌿🍁❦❧🍁🍂🌽❀☀ ☕👓🐝
Try to be more valuable than a bad example.
Oct 14, 2023 6:07 PM CST
Name: Zoë
Albuquerque NM, Elev 5310 ft (Zone 7b)
Bee Lover Salvias Region: New Mexico Herbs Container Gardener Composter
Cat Lover Butterflies Bookworm Birds Enjoys or suffers hot summers
Alrighty then!
I wonder if your humidity adversely affects them and/if you're overloving them. In dry climates they're reasonably easy with minimal care. Except in the presence of tobacco budworms, my particular nemesis. I really like the leaf variations, always a surprise.

Never tried nor heard of bare rooting them. I've brought potted ones indoors in this cold climate, no problem, but stalks stuck in soil root so easily, that's an easy solution. I'm not sure I've ever rooted then in water either; I'd expect the stalk to rot.

They do tend to bloom in waves and then sulk for a spell. Our NM sun can fry them, but that applies to many so-called full plants here.

In temperate California they grew into massive shrubs that needed periodic hacking back for both size and to control their tendency toward raggedness with age. I've always thought that a red geranium is a staple requirement for every cottage garden. Never cared for the pink.
Oct 14, 2023 7:14 PM CST
Name: Tiffany purpleinopp
Opp, AL @--`--,----- (Zone 8b)
Region: United States of America Houseplants Overwinters Tender Plants Indoors Garden Sages Plant Identifier Garden Ideas: Level 2
Organic Gardener Composter Miniature Gardening Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Tender Perennials Butterflies
Interesting anecdotes! Blooming in waves describes it pretty well. Humidity could be a in play. I don't think I overloved anything this summer. It didn't rain for 2 months and I barely had time to keep stuff from wilting. I had to give up on some entire areas of garden that are now just weeds. And some shrubs just aren't going to bloom this year at all, like a few remote Lantanas and confederate roses. The last of the Canna stalks hit the ground about a week before it finally rained a few days ago. I just didn't have time to water that many things that often. Cannas were on the "let it go" list because I don't think one droughty summer is enough to kill them outright.

I don't think any of my Pel plants are significantly bigger than they were in April. They do root easily, and I already have plenty in pots, but I'll want to save all of the good stems.

Over the past couple yrs, I've put about a dozen cuttings in water and about the same number in soil with almost perfect success both ways. I expected rotting from the water too but have been pleasantly surprised that they did so well that way too.
The golden rule: Do to others only that which you would have done to you.
👀😁😂 - SMILE! -☺😎☻☮👌✌∞☯
The only way to succeed is to try!
The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The 2nd best time is now. (-Unknown)
👒🎄👣🏡🍃🍂🌾🌿🍁❦❧🍁🍂🌽❀☀ ☕👓🐝
Try to be more valuable than a bad example.
Oct 14, 2023 7:20 PM CST
Name: Zoë
Albuquerque NM, Elev 5310 ft (Zone 7b)
Bee Lover Salvias Region: New Mexico Herbs Container Gardener Composter
Cat Lover Butterflies Bookworm Birds Enjoys or suffers hot summers
I relate re the heat and drought. We're finally having a coolish autumn, but it didn't arrive before I gave up on the tomatoes and other water lovers. Unquestionably my worst gardening year ever. Praying for amnesia and a fresh start next spring.
Oct 14, 2023 7:52 PM CST
Name: Tiffany purpleinopp
Opp, AL @--`--,----- (Zone 8b)
Region: United States of America Houseplants Overwinters Tender Plants Indoors Garden Sages Plant Identifier Garden Ideas: Level 2
Organic Gardener Composter Miniature Gardening Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Tender Perennials Butterflies
LOL! I can relate to that! Too bad this wasn't the year I put a bunch of succulents in the ground. That year it rained so much, they got completely overgrown & lost. Would have been a good year for them this year. But it's exactly that kind of surprise and wondrous anticipation that keeps me coming back to see what happens! And if a few plants didn't die now'n'then, I'd have no excuse to go buy more and the landscape would be too static & boring.
: )
The golden rule: Do to others only that which you would have done to you.
👀😁😂 - SMILE! -☺😎☻☮👌✌∞☯
The only way to succeed is to try!
The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The 2nd best time is now. (-Unknown)
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Try to be more valuable than a bad example.
May 11, 2024 1:05 PM CST
Name: Tiffany purpleinopp
Opp, AL @--`--,----- (Zone 8b)
Region: United States of America Houseplants Overwinters Tender Plants Indoors Garden Sages Plant Identifier Garden Ideas: Level 2
Organic Gardener Composter Miniature Gardening Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Tender Perennials Butterflies
This survived being left in the ground for winter. Now back to blooming.
Thumb of 2024-05-11/purpleinopp/45ce0c

Clearance plant bought about 2 weeks ago is also back to blooming. So happy it's not another red one! Nothing wrong with red but I was hoping for a color I didn't already have.
Thumb of 2024-05-11/purpleinopp/f48492
The golden rule: Do to others only that which you would have done to you.
👀😁😂 - SMILE! -☺😎☻☮👌✌∞☯
The only way to succeed is to try!
The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The 2nd best time is now. (-Unknown)
👒🎄👣🏡🍃🍂🌾🌿🍁❦❧🍁🍂🌽❀☀ ☕👓🐝
Try to be more valuable than a bad example.
Nov 11, 2024 11:27 AM CST
Name: Tiffany purpleinopp
Opp, AL @--`--,----- (Zone 8b)
Region: United States of America Houseplants Overwinters Tender Plants Indoors Garden Sages Plant Identifier Garden Ideas: Level 2
Organic Gardener Composter Miniature Gardening Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Tender Perennials Butterflies
I'm starting to think these plants are averse to high temps. All of mine shrunk after it got hot. Now I see new buds on one.
Thumb of 2024-11-11/purpleinopp/3ba00e
The golden rule: Do to others only that which you would have done to you.
👀😁😂 - SMILE! -☺😎☻☮👌✌∞☯
The only way to succeed is to try!
The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The 2nd best time is now. (-Unknown)
👒🎄👣🏡🍃🍂🌾🌿🍁❦❧🍁🍂🌽❀☀ ☕👓🐝
Try to be more valuable than a bad example.
Nov 11, 2024 11:45 AM CST
Name: Zoë
Albuquerque NM, Elev 5310 ft (Zone 7b)
Bee Lover Salvias Region: New Mexico Herbs Container Gardener Composter
Cat Lover Butterflies Bookworm Birds Enjoys or suffers hot summers
Tiffany, many of my flowering perennials sulk during high summer heat and rebound in the fall. Unfortunately in my climate, they get going beautifully just in time for the first killing frost. When I have zonal geraniums (none at the moment) they can take only morning sun in midsummer.
Nov 11, 2024 11:49 AM CST
Name: Tiffany purpleinopp
Opp, AL @--`--,----- (Zone 8b)
Region: United States of America Houseplants Overwinters Tender Plants Indoors Garden Sages Plant Identifier Garden Ideas: Level 2
Organic Gardener Composter Miniature Gardening Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Tender Perennials Butterflies
That sounds similar to here. Mine are in some of my most shady spots. Hoping they survive @ the roots again this year. Those that did looked great earlier in the year. I can't devote indoor space to those anymore if they're going to be so seasonal.
The golden rule: Do to others only that which you would have done to you.
👀😁😂 - SMILE! -☺😎☻☮👌✌∞☯
The only way to succeed is to try!
The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The 2nd best time is now. (-Unknown)
👒🎄👣🏡🍃🍂🌾🌿🍁❦❧🍁🍂🌽❀☀ ☕👓🐝
Try to be more valuable than a bad example.
Feb 3, 2025 9:09 AM CST
Name: Tiffany purpleinopp
Opp, AL @--`--,----- (Zone 8b)
Region: United States of America Houseplants Overwinters Tender Plants Indoors Garden Sages Plant Identifier Garden Ideas: Level 2
Organic Gardener Composter Miniature Gardening Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Tender Perennials Butterflies
I think I have a few survivors that retained leaves over the cold spell here a couple weeks ago. Down to 11° one morning. The stems are firm, the leaves feel normal. That seems impossible. Maybe they just haven't shriveled yet?
The golden rule: Do to others only that which you would have done to you.
👀😁😂 - SMILE! -☺😎☻☮👌✌∞☯
The only way to succeed is to try!
The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The 2nd best time is now. (-Unknown)
👒🎄👣🏡🍃🍂🌾🌿🍁❦❧🍁🍂🌽❀☀ ☕👓🐝
Try to be more valuable than a bad example.
Last edited by purpleinopp Feb 10, 2025 5:08 PM Icon for preview
Feb 10, 2025 5:11 PM CST
Name: Tiffany purpleinopp
Opp, AL @--`--,----- (Zone 8b)
Region: United States of America Houseplants Overwinters Tender Plants Indoors Garden Sages Plant Identifier Garden Ideas: Level 2
Organic Gardener Composter Miniature Gardening Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Tender Perennials Butterflies
This is not mushy. Shredded paper-as-mulch gets 2 thumbs up from me! The paper isn't pretty, but it's not visible from the street and I don't think these green leaves would still be there if I hadn't put the paper over the plants before the cold spell, down to 11°.
Thumb of 2025-02-10/purpleinopp/0c60f6
The golden rule: Do to others only that which you would have done to you.
👀😁😂 - SMILE! -☺😎☻☮👌✌∞☯
The only way to succeed is to try!
The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The 2nd best time is now. (-Unknown)
👒🎄👣🏡🍃🍂🌾🌿🍁❦❧🍁🍂🌽❀☀ ☕👓🐝
Try to be more valuable than a bad example.

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