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Jul 14, 2021 9:36 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Anna
Massachusetts (Zone 6b)
Bookworm Houseplants Orchids Zinnias
I bought some mucky soil called Scott's Top Soil with conditioner. It smelled awful and was very mucky. It did not look like any of the natural dirt around the home I am living in. I am weeding and mulching a relative's home. The front hasnt been fixed 25 years. There are dips from rain water and chipmunk holes, as well as holes from old rhododendrons that were taken out years ago.

I want to fill it all in with a safe soil that does not have to have nutrients in it.

I got another generic bag of soil, plain old soil, after having bought the mistake Scott's, but it is also mooshy and slightly mucky.

I just don't think this is good for a rainy Massachusetts near foundation.

What kind of sand or soil should I use that will help rainwater go away from the home? I am mulching over it.

Thanks, I don't know much about homes. But I really feel like the soils I bought are no good.
Last edited by Whatsmyplant Jul 14, 2021 9:39 PM Icon for preview
Avatar for bunnydefluff
Jul 15, 2021 7:05 AM CST
Name: John K.
Organic Gardener
Hi Anna. I am no expert on this subject, but I think a smelly soil is not good anywhere near the house foundation. I hope others will help you with better answers.
Nov 21, 2022 1:04 PM CST
Bulbs Plant and/or Seed Trader Lilies Irises Hybridizer Hostas
Echinacea Daylilies Cut Flowers Composter Region: Canadian Vegetable Grower
Any garden planting areas will need the following . Triple mix -1-compost 1-peat moss 1 manure .
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