Can't say enough about how much I LOVE the plant list facilities on this site. I've long used it to remind me to save at least 1 individual of tender plants that I've put in the ground for temp landscaping/no-tend growing most of the year, and to quickly review only hardy plants, or potted plants, whatever my project is at the time.
I've added propagation categories to track which plants I've successfully propagated, either by water or soil, and a list of plants I want to propagate more. Doing this, I realized the surprising number of plants in which I seem to have lost interest after thorough investigation & propagation. Limited space for winter leads to this. And some after realizing they are hardy where I live now and running too much through my ground plantings. Like "curiosity satisfied... next?" Has that happened to you?
Also realized I haven't documented as much propagation as I thought. Wet/dirty fingers + electronics = uhoh. Trying to have the patience to stop, fix hands, take more pics lately. It's so much easier to show people what happened vs. trying to explain it. People usually want to discuss specifics, not the theoretical or hypothetical.
I'm terrible about getting my "plant activity to-do list" items done w/o an actual list. Using a category on here, I can remind myself periodically when I come inside to rest & refresh.