gardenglory said:Well that was unnecessary. Those were great pictures and flowers. Its not like its a news flash you sell on the LA. Same with Steve. Whats going on here. I for one Im glad to know when people I buy from are going to list seeds, especially as more and more seeds hit the LA.
I agree, Steve and Ed's posts were fine there was no need to delete. Steve and I have been going back and forth this morning in tmail where I've explained that after the problems earlier this summer there is no outright advertising for sales in the forum. I'm going to quote parts of my own tmails with Steve...
"The complaints from members in posts, tmail and email were clear on the issue, they do not want simple posts and comments advertising sales and items for sale posted in the forum. Ed's post was ok, he was joining in the conversation. I think he took my comment a bit further than I wanted him to by deleting his post. I was just putting out a reminder. If I do it behind the scenes in tmail then others think it's ok to come in and advertise. A lot of folks read our forum but don't contribute or join in. With more and more sellers and hybridizers all competing for the same $ it's just a matter a time before others come into the forum to post only what they are selling, be it plants or seeds."
"Your post was fine as was Ed's, they were part of a conversation and that is how they came across. The humor definitely softens the ad effect and Ed's images were conversation points. I don't think anyone wants the fun back and forth chat to change, it's just the outright advertising we don't need or want in the forum. If what you've always done hasn't caused any problem then there's no reason to change. My post was simply a public reminder that there is a line for folks about coming into the forum to simply advertise sales."
"Yes, posting your own intro images or seedlings can be ad-y if done to promote personal businesses. Most folks are simply sharing and not directly trying to drum up their own sales. We all post images and comments about plants, hybridizers, etc., it's a part of daylilies, but there's a way to do it as chatting with friends rather than walking up to someone, telling them your website address, plant stats, prices and shipping policy. "
Maybe I could have explained a bit better in my post under Ed's. Apologies, to Ed and anyone else who may not have been in the forum earlier this year. I hope this explains a little better about what happened.