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Nov 16, 2024 9:15 PM CST
Name: Chelsea Olsen
San Francisco (Zone 10b)
Cat Lover Houseplants Miniature Gardening

! (Ruby necklace, red in sufficient light and GORGEOUS!
Nov 17, 2024 7:52 AM CST
Fairfax VA (Zone 7a)
Sedums Sempervivums Hybridizer Houseplants Cactus and Succulents Garden Procrastinator
Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Garden Photography Tropicals Native Plants and Wildflowers Miniature Gardening Wild Plant Hunter
chelseanolse said: Ive heard they shrink from lack of water and expand into manta rays from over watering
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The cuttings water prop phenomenally (go figure!) and they are more tolerant to more frequent watering than other strings. I'm quite happy with mine! I've pulled off some blooms to try to grow from seed

It also looks to me like the top growth is a bit etiolated.
Nov 18, 2024 8:10 AM CST
Name: Chelsea Olsen
San Francisco (Zone 10b)
Cat Lover Houseplants Miniature Gardening
sedumzz said: It also looks to me like the top growth is a bit etiolated.

Oh certainly. Unfortunately, I've learned that because all of the windows in my apartment face westward into an alley obscured by the neighboring building, I've had many a leggy friend I've recently given to a sunnier home
Nov 19, 2024 7:43 AM CST
Name: Sally
central Maryland (Zone 7b)
See you in the funny papers!
Overwinters Tender Plants Indoors Garden Procrastinator Charter ATP Member Hummingbirder Frogs and Toads Houseplants
Keeper of Poultry Vegetable Grower Region: Maryland Composter Native Plants and Wildflowers Organic Gardener
I kind of bless you for rehoming those things.
It is a little sad hearing "Oh, look how tall (thin, spindly, etiolated) my plant is, it must be doing great! Hilarious!
Plant it and they will come.
Nov 19, 2024 9:44 AM CST
Name: Chelsea Olsen
San Francisco (Zone 10b)
Cat Lover Houseplants Miniature Gardening
sallyg said: I kind of bless you for rehoming those things.
It is a little sad hearing "Oh, look how tall (thin, spindly, etiolated) my plant is, it must be doing great! Hilarious!

you've got to wonder when your string of anything starts reaching for the skies! Hurray! I agree
Nov 19, 2024 9:51 AM CST
Name: Chelsea Olsen
San Francisco (Zone 10b)
Cat Lover Houseplants Miniature Gardening
purpleinopp said: They are so cute!!

Pearls String of Pearls (Curio rowleyanus)
Hearts String of Hearts (Ceropegia woodii)
Buttons String of Buttons (Crassula perforata)
Bananas String of Bananas (Curio radicans)
Turtles String of Turtles (Peperomia rotundifolia)
Figs String of Figs (Curio 'Raindrops')
Stars String of Stars (Euphorbia guiengola)
Just plain stringy Stringy Stonecrop (Sedum sarmentosum)
Raindrops (or watermelons) String of Raindrops (Curio herreanus)
This doesn't say "string of" but I've seen this referred to as string of coins String of Nickels (Dischidia nummularia)
Pickles, some say rubies Little Pickles (Crassothonna capensis)
Beads Columnar Peperomia (Peperomia columella)
Beans Blue Senecio (Curio talinoides)
More beans Blue Chalk Sticks (Curio talinoides var. mandraliscae)
Silver dollars Silver Dollar Plant (Xerosicyos danguyi)

Do you have or have you seen any others?

OP, I've just realized, have you seen string of needles? String of Needles (Ceropegia debilis)
I actually think I am mistaking the string of needles for something with much smaller trailing needle shaped foliage. I had mistaken my string of pickles for ruby slippers, an Echevarria, which I ironically also have! I find it funny that the string of pickles is also called ruby necklace. Never thought to compare pickles to rubies, but I guess that's how it goes when the seasons change!

also, along the vein of me killing plants Crying I used to have this gorgeous variegated string of pearl. That was actually when I went to the garden center and found out I was overwatering the pearls, so my go-to garden guy recommended the dolphins
Nov 19, 2024 10:03 AM CST
Name: Chelsea Olsen
San Francisco (Zone 10b)
Cat Lover Houseplants Miniature Gardening
okay one more then I will stop spamming this post!

these turtles have been through the ringer. I believe the friend who gave them to me had them in water in a tiny mason jar; then I had them in a shallow bowl/pot, but I totally knocked the whole thing off the shelf and lost many a turtle. So they lived in a terra cotta tray for a while; it worked out because they do not root deeply. But they look happy now! And one of the plants I gave away was my string of pickles because it was green and leggy in my apartment. When I was passing it on, this very sad and frankly dead looking string fell off; I popped it in some water and it is rooting! I shall live to see another pickle!

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Thumb of 2024-11-19/chelseanolse/a2008d
Nov 19, 2024 6:24 PM CST
California Central Valley (Zone 8b)
Region: California
I have only one "string" plant, a variegated String of Hearts. It out grew its pot so I took it apart and created several plants but wasn't satisfied with just repotting in my usual cactus soil concoction so...

#1 is potted in cactus soil in a north facing window (where the original plant was). It is growing the fastest (I cut the bottom off at 4 ft. long) and is the only one to bloom so far.
Thumb of 2024-11-20/Lucy68/25755e
Thumb of 2024-11-20/Lucy68/5d9cde

#2 was really the leftovers I couldn't stand to toss out. Its in indoor potting soil/perlite on my light shelf. The light shelf is bright enough to make cactus and Drosera happy but its only watered when its dry.
Thumb of 2024-11-20/Lucy68/55bf8b

#3 the bulbs were added to an orchid pot so growing in bark/perlite with a dash of charcoal. At first I thought they had failed but they're crawling around in the moss growing on top of the bark and look pretty happy. In the greenhouse and watered every couple days.
Thumb of 2024-11-20/Lucy68/2da105

#4 is growing in straight sphagnum moss in the greenhouse and is watered every couple days.
Thumb of 2024-11-20/Lucy68/ef03c1

#5 was in straight Leca and watered every couple days. It was a complete failure.

The happiest looking Strings of Hearts are in the greenhouse where its sunny enough to make a Cattleya bloom, hot, humid and just plain wet... all are growing great, except the Leca. Note to self, skip Leca.
Nov 20, 2024 8:05 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Tiffany purpleinopp
Opp, AL @--`--,----- (Zone 8b)
Region: United States of America Houseplants Overwinters Tender Plants Indoors Garden Sages Plant Identifier Garden Ideas: Level 2
Organic Gardener Composter Miniature Gardening Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Tender Perennials Butterflies
Chelsea, you're not spamming, just chatting. And cracking me up! LOL! Your turtles look amazing. That's one I would try again if I saw it.

Lucy, I think you've found a happy situation for those gorgeous hearts. Fantastic!
The golden rule: Do to others only that which you would have done to you.
👀😁😂 - SMILE! -☺😎☻☮👌✌∞☯
The only way to succeed is to try!
The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The 2nd best time is now. (-Unknown)
👒🎄👣🏡🍃🍂🌾🌿🍁❦❧🍁🍂🌽❀☀ ☕👓🐝
Try to be more valuable than a bad example.
Nov 20, 2024 1:08 PM CST
California Central Valley (Zone 8b)
Region: California
Thanks Tiffany. I think (maybe next spring) I'll transplant the one's in cactus soil to sphagnum and move them to the greenhouse too. They obviously have enough sun to bloom (maybe out of desperation Rolling on the floor laughing ) but in my mind, after comparing them to the greenhouse versions, are etiolated.

Maybe I'll replace it with a string of turtles. Chelsea's is really cute. No Chelsea, you aren't spamming and I am enjoying your chat. Don't stop now. Smiling
Nov 21, 2024 1:46 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Tiffany purpleinopp
Opp, AL @--`--,----- (Zone 8b)
Region: United States of America Houseplants Overwinters Tender Plants Indoors Garden Sages Plant Identifier Garden Ideas: Level 2
Organic Gardener Composter Miniature Gardening Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Tender Perennials Butterflies
Lucy, my pleasure : ) Can't wait to see the next update, whenever that might be. My track record of rehoming single individual plants has a lower % of success than when propagating first, either as replacement or just insurance. Might be something to consider, but I know how space issues can be a factor in those decisions.
The golden rule: Do to others only that which you would have done to you.
👀😁😂 - SMILE! -☺😎☻☮👌✌∞☯
The only way to succeed is to try!
The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The 2nd best time is now. (-Unknown)
👒🎄👣🏡🍃🍂🌾🌿🍁❦❧🍁🍂🌽❀☀ ☕👓🐝
Try to be more valuable than a bad example.
Dec 16, 2024 11:19 PM CST
Name: Chelsea Olsen
San Francisco (Zone 10b)
Cat Lover Houseplants Miniature Gardening
These pickles were SO shrivelled and they all looked ready to fall off a few short weeks ago. They are growing serious roots in the water and happily sitting in fairly low light with high humidity on the bathroom window
Thumb of 2024-12-17/chelseanolse/aa79b4
Dec 17, 2024 7:58 PM CST
Fairfax VA (Zone 7a)
Sedums Sempervivums Hybridizer Houseplants Cactus and Succulents Garden Procrastinator
Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Garden Photography Tropicals Native Plants and Wildflowers Miniature Gardening Wild Plant Hunter
Those roots are stunning!
Dec 18, 2024 2:23 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Tiffany purpleinopp
Opp, AL @--`--,----- (Zone 8b)
Region: United States of America Houseplants Overwinters Tender Plants Indoors Garden Sages Plant Identifier Garden Ideas: Level 2
Organic Gardener Composter Miniature Gardening Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Tender Perennials Butterflies
That looks completely better than my pickles, which didn't live long.
The golden rule: Do to others only that which you would have done to you.
👀😁😂 - SMILE! -☺😎☻☮👌✌∞☯
The only way to succeed is to try!
The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The 2nd best time is now. (-Unknown)
👒🎄👣🏡🍃🍂🌾🌿🍁❦❧🍁🍂🌽❀☀ ☕👓🐝
Try to be more valuable than a bad example.

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