bsharf said:ID is so difficult since photos differ so much in terms of flash, indoor, or outside lighting conditions. The other issue is mislabeled bulbs.
And the third issue with naming a NOID is industry standards! (or lack thereof)
Case in point: Red Pearl VS Black Pearl

Is the right one a Red Pearl and the left one a Black Pearl?
So you try to ID it? Only Red Pearl is listed in the database, created/breed by N.L. van Geest BV, 's Gravenzande, Netherlands.
some website said:
The massive flowers of Red Pearl are so deep, velvety red that some companies have renamed this variety Black Pearl.
Hmmmm.... No wonder we have NOID's!
My pictured one on the left is a Red Pearl, but sold to me (and labeled as) Black Pearl. The right one is a Red Lion. I love both, BTW.
You can go read threads about people posting pictures supposedly showing the differences between the two "pearls" (Red Pearl and Black Pearl) and choosing which flower form they like best- or trying to ID which Pearl they have...and it's the same plant (according to
Edited on 01/29/24 link no longer valid: Below screenshot from wayback machine archive
The industry isn't too concerned about ID's, as they've chosen to call our Hippeastrum by the name Amaryllis for the last hundred and fifty years or so.
The problem can also be legal or due strictly to marketing, due in part to some varieties unable to be legally protected by Plant Patent or the similar 'PVP." They may be so similar in DNA / parentage to others, or the reproduction methods (I.E sexual) disqualify them for legal protection against propagation by another company.
So companies just basically sell "our version of chanel #5" with their own registered name (as in Red Pearl / Black Pearl), or sell them as a generic color, like this:

I once bought a big bunch of hipps online, with a description of only "White Mini Amaryllis" because they were so cheap, but actually emailed the company and asked if they were specifically "Alfresco Sonata?" They said "yes."
It's interesting that on the bottom of Hadeco's "Alfresco Sonata" page, ( of which I assume they own the trademarked name, they tell you how to propagate Hippeastrums, rather than saying "do not duplicate" our trademarked variety said:Propagation
The plant can be propagated from offsets, basal cutting, twin scaling methods and pollination. The offsets are ready to be planted when they can easily be removed from the bulb with your thumb. Pollination through self-crossing (applying the pollen from a plant to its own stigma) could lead to undesirable traits. Seedlings will flower in their first or second season.
And if you just like the smell of 'CHANEL N°5' but can't do the $138 per 3.4 oz at Maceys... Hey: here's an $18 option for the same size. My nose won't be able to tell the difference!

Did I say my eyes like my Black Pearl just as much as any Red Pearl I've ever seen?