@sallyg re: Amaryllis
it looks quite weak, so i would pot it up and water it well and see what happens next. If most roots were in plastic, it prolly could not push out enough leaves during summer. I grew small/weak ones on a sunny window sill thru winter until they got several more leaves. It does not have to go dormant. It might stall a bit after some time : then you can water less for a few months.
And you don't want it to bloom too soon (if it manages) as it will weaken it even further.
But if you do not have a good sunny spot for it over winter, then just keep it potted but without watering for a couple of months.
Do not cut off the leaves either: let them yellow and dry up on their own. After they dry up, remove them and put the pot in a brown paper bag so it is cool and dark. Eventually it'll restart growth.
When it starts pushing new leaves then you'll know to slowly start watering and put it in bright light.
I had one sit in pot on the balcony in shade and not grow at all during summer (after blooming last january). And that is after i took good care of it and transplanted it from a tiny pot to a normal 6" pot.
I just checked it and it was growing offsets: 2 bulbs! and one of them with roots already. so just cleaned up the old dried roots and put it back in the pot and watered it. It actually has a tiny leaf tip inside.