Now i don't know what to think mine turned colors and got stripes or a pattern on it in the sun.Now that it's inside the growth that happened over the winter (my plants all grow all winter) we don't have much cold weather and i don't think they ever realize it's time to take a break and not just my succulents.MY Hoya's,lipstick plant's, prayer plant,rhipsalis's,jades etc... all have new growth well not so new now but all happened during the winter.Maybe i keep my house to warm.My granddaughter has lived here since she was born so i do keep my house warm and succulents under grow lights.
Maybe i need a cool/cold room but they don't seem to suffer.The growth slows just never seems to stop.I do water less and don't feed in winter.
Speaking of the baby she's trying to type yall a message so got to go.
will come back later