Hi all!
After reading all advice there is about variegated monsteras on the internet, I find myself in this forum, trying to figure out what is going on with my own sticks. I understand you are experiencing a surge in monstera posts, and I'm afraid this is another one of them.
I have learnt about Monstera guttation, but the info I have gone through would often refer to fully formed plants and their leaves. Certainly not a wet stick in any case, which drives me to think there must be something wrong with it.
I did slice the edges of it a couple days ago to contain rot, and dipped in cinnamon. Also tried to keep the edges off the moss using plastic bits (previously sanitized).
It worries me particularly because the stick that is releasing the sap is the only one that has managed to pull out some roots, and loosing it would be devastating.
If someone could shine a light in what might be going on I would really appreciate it.
Thank you!