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Jan 9, 2022 5:53 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Kim
Black Hills, SD (Zone 5a)
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Cinda's supposed to be doing a media fast right now, so I'm starting the thread for 2022 (good luck Cinda!). Here's to all the herb-lovers' gardens being prolific this year!

I can almost smell the basil, sage, and rosemary I'm hoping to plant this year. Big Grin

Can't wait to talk and see all the pictures this year!! Hurray!
Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, 1Cor. 13:4
Let’s talk about Animal Fun Facts, Birds, Trees/Shrubs, or Oleanders!
Last edited by KFredenburg Jan 9, 2022 5:54 PM Icon for preview
Jan 15, 2022 10:25 AM CST
Name: Maggie
Western New York (Zone 5b)
Garden Photography Winter Sowing Deer Seed Starter Region: New York Houseplants
Herbs Growing under artificial light Frugal Gardener Composter Enjoys or suffers cold winters
Herbal greetings! It's mighty chilly today, but I'm proud to report my basils are doing well under lights this year. Seeds sown two months ago, I'm now enjoying pesto from a heavy pruning. I'm especially enjoying 'lettuce leaf' basil. Though it had a rough start outdoors last year (beetle attack), indoors the plants grew abundantly. Seen here, left to right, lettuce leaf, globe, and thai basils. Happy 2022, herbal gardeners!
Thumb of 2022-01-15/DeerXing/af28f5
It's OK to Play in the Garden
Jan 15, 2022 11:17 AM CST
Name: Zoë
Albuquerque NM, Elev 5310 ft (Zone 7b)
Bee Lover Salvias Region: New Mexico Herbs Container Gardener Composter
Cat Lover Butterflies Bookworm Birds Enjoys or suffers hot summers
Good work Maggie! A lot of people have trouble with basil indoors.
I'm a big fan of lettuce leaf basil, but grow it only in the summer outside.
Jan 15, 2022 1:55 PM CST
Name: Maggie
Western New York (Zone 5b)
Garden Photography Winter Sowing Deer Seed Starter Region: New York Houseplants
Herbs Growing under artificial light Frugal Gardener Composter Enjoys or suffers cold winters
NMoasis said:A lot of people have trouble with basil indoors.

That was me, before training myself no to overwater with the use of a moisture meter (the pronged thingy in the photo upper left). Now I water just shy of the needle in the"arid" range. I have moments of envy, gardeners in arid regions. High and dry is a premium in my lowly, watershed area!
It's OK to Play in the Garden
Jan 15, 2022 2:01 PM CST
Name: Zoë
Albuquerque NM, Elev 5310 ft (Zone 7b)
Bee Lover Salvias Region: New Mexico Herbs Container Gardener Composter
Cat Lover Butterflies Bookworm Birds Enjoys or suffers hot summers
The grass is always greener...

Those of us in extremely arid regions envy you folks with water! 😉
Jan 15, 2022 2:02 PM CST
Name: SoCal
Orange County (Zone 10a)
Lazy Gardener or Melonator
I picked some dill plants by accident, these are volunteers from last year.
Jan 15, 2022 4:28 PM CST
Name: SoCal
Orange County (Zone 10a)
Lazy Gardener or Melonator
I just bought some Chervil seeds, it grew here in my yard, much better than parsley, this is a substitute for parsley.
I also almost bought savory, not sure I know what to do with it, so I backed out.
Jan 21, 2022 8:49 PM CST
Name: Kat
Magnolia, Tx (Zone 9a)
Region: Texas Dragonflies Hummingbirder Peppers Herbs Vegetable Grower
Heirlooms Moon Gardener Enjoys or suffers hot summers Winter Sowing Bookworm Container Gardener
Lemon and french thymes green and flourishing outdoors, Goriza rosemary is outdoors, but apparently wants more sun as it is stretching, may need to bring it in. Mints got burned pretty good, but mojito and Ky Colonel have green shoots biding their time- the peppermint is still going strong. Confetti cilantro, fennel, parsley, spinach, blue curled kale, chives, rocket, purple wave mustard, bulls blood beets, onions are happy as can be.
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Jan 23, 2022 2:54 PM CST
Name: Deborah
Southern California (Zone 10a)
Rabbit Keeper
The only herb I have growing right now is comfrey. I have my eye on a turquoise porcelain (deep and wide) bowl that would make a beautiful herb garden.
It would be horribly heavy once planted with favorites so it'd have to stay put!
Jan 25, 2022 11:24 AM CST
Name: Margaret
Delta KY
I'm A Charley's Girl For Sure
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Hi Everyone
The only thing I have growing right now is lemon and orange spice thymes.
I am considering planting Chia this year. I use it as an ingredient in a protein shake mix. But I don't know much about growing it yet .
Jan 25, 2022 12:53 PM CST
Name: Johannian
The Black Hills, SD (Zone 4b)
If the dough is holy, bread is too!
Cactus and Succulents Orchids Garden Research Contributor Sempervivums Vermiculture Garden Ideas: Level 1
Good luck with the Chia, Margaret. It sounds familiar, but I don't know much about that herb.

This year I'm keeping it simple with basil, maybe some dill as well. I plan on planting a garden for Honey, our cat, with some catnip, catmint, and other things cats like. Probably next year I'll start on that.
“Honorable is the one who prudently avoids danger (provided he does not compromise himself).” -Sir Thomas More
Profile picture is a picture of our rescue cat, Honey (currently 4 years of age).
Jan 25, 2022 6:19 PM CST
Name: Kat
Magnolia, Tx (Zone 9a)
Region: Texas Dragonflies Hummingbirder Peppers Herbs Vegetable Grower
Heirlooms Moon Gardener Enjoys or suffers hot summers Winter Sowing Bookworm Container Gardener
Chia is a salvia. I think my bug issue is going to be aphids this year, already battling hordes of them.
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Jan 30, 2022 4:28 PM CST
Name: Deborah
Southern California (Zone 10a)
Rabbit Keeper
Has anyone heard of strawberry mint? If it smells as wonderful as it sounds I'll definitely get some!
Jan 31, 2022 2:26 PM CST
Name: SoCal
Orange County (Zone 10a)
Lazy Gardener or Melonator
I planted 6 plants of curly parsley today, I made sure they are at different spots, I will let them go to seeds this year. I don't have much luck with a Italian parsley.
Feb 5, 2022 2:31 PM CST
Name: Cinda
Indiana Zone 5b
Dances with Dirt
Beekeeper Bee Lover Overwinters Tender Plants Indoors Cottage Gardener Herbs Wild Plant Hunter
Hummingbirder Butterflies Birds Lover of wildlife (Raccoon badge) Organic Gardener Vegetable Grower
I am keeping a few herbs under lights , inside this winter
fresh herbs always add to winter soups and stews
Thumb of 2022-02-05/gardengus/16df9b

started some basil a couple weeks ago
Thumb of 2022-02-05/gardengus/6c4338

Right now the rest of the garden under a foot of snow and 3 degrees .

I have grown strawberry mint before (there may be some out there under the snow)
It is a nice plant ,rather compact, smaller leaves than some mints , tried it as a tea but was a bit green tasting for me .
..a balanced life is worth pursuit.
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Feb 6, 2022 12:36 PM CST
Name: Deborah
Southern California (Zone 10a)
Rabbit Keeper
I rarely actually use mint. I grow it for the fragrance. It would be fun to have a mint that smells like strawberry.
Feb 7, 2022 7:36 PM CST
Name: Kat
Magnolia, Tx (Zone 9a)
Region: Texas Dragonflies Hummingbirder Peppers Herbs Vegetable Grower
Heirlooms Moon Gardener Enjoys or suffers hot summers Winter Sowing Bookworm Container Gardener
If you drink tea, add a mint leaf floating on top-it IS for the pleasant aroma more than flavor.
Feb 8, 2022 10:34 AM CST
Name: SoCal
Orange County (Zone 10a)
Lazy Gardener or Melonator
Interesting what I thought was cilantro was actually chervil, so I have 3 plants from somewhere.

Thumb of 2022-02-08/SoCalGardenNut/bcf2c9
Feb 8, 2022 12:16 PM CST
Name: Kristi
east Texas pineywoods (Zone 8a)
Herbs Region: Texas Vegetable Grower Avid Green Pages Reviewer Garden Ideas: Level 2
SoCalGardenNut said:I just bought some Chervil seeds, it grew here in my yard, much better than parsley, this is a substitute for parsley.
I also almost bought savory, not sure I know what to do with it, so I backed out.

Thinking you planted the Chervil, my dear. I remembered thinking "oh dear". I planted Chervil and loved it but it reseeded with wild abandon. Blinking Hope you watch it closely or you will have it forever.
Believe in yourself even when no one else will. ~ Sasquatch
Feb 8, 2022 12:21 PM CST
Name: SoCal
Orange County (Zone 10a)
Lazy Gardener or Melonator
Thanks Pod, I bought the seeds but I haven't planted them yet, at least I don't remember plating them yet. These seeds came from the lettuce batch. Thanks for letting me know they are a pest. Maybe I can get rid of them, I was thinking of remove these plants.

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