DeweyRooter said:
About rust--in your zone, you can't count on winter to get rid of it. The spores can winter over in the crown of the plant, even in a dormant. Some years are much worse than others.
DeweyRooter said:Oh, OK. Thanks for the correction. That would suggest that a dormant plant would (if the leaves die back completely) be free of rust when it reemerges in spring.
So the same dormant plant getting rust again the following season would be the result of a new infection. That makes sense.
robinjoy said:Maurice - I recall an earlier thread where you talked about the development of new fans off the crown and described the plant growth cycle. I assume the timing of this cycle is independent of whether the plant is deciduous or evergreen? Is there any difference in the same plant when grown in more northerly or southerly zones?
bxncbx said:Diggerofdirt I'm in the same zone as you and the opposite is generally true for me. Which shows that whoever designates the zones is a bit nuts. Alabama and New York are the same?!? Concrete doesn't trap that much heat!