cwhitt said: There are some benefits to clay soil. It holds water and nutrients better. It is also very dense and gets hard when too dry and puddles when too wet. I would add some compost to it, and perhaps mulch on top. If digging compost in is too hard, just add it to the top - the earthworms will work on it and mix it in. Lots of plants will tolerate it.
RpR said: What type of hardy plant?
RpR said: It should grow just fine.
We have Black Gumbo up here and where it is real heavy loosen the soil well and ad compost manure in a hole approx. six to eight inches in diameter; nature will take over after that.
BlueRaccoon said: That's so good to know! Thank you. I did put compost in, and of course I have mulch on top. Do you feel like you have to water different with clay?