Aeonium buds
Aeonium inflorescence in bud, just barely hinting at the redness to come.
The only species with red flowers in this genus of rosette succulents is A. nobile. It is unusual in a few other respects, including its size (the widest rosettes of the genus; the heaviest leaves of the genus) and its normally solitary habit.
This is the first time in a few years that one of these plants has bloomed, so it's kind of an event. They are monocarpic, so they die afterwards (presumably producing great quantities of seed first).
This shot from mid May:
Fully blooming by mid June:
Some shiny nectar visible here (full buffet for pollinators)
These shots from a couple of days ago
As you can see, the plant makes quite a bouquet before it bows out.
I think I jumped the gun when I selected the image for this banner, but hopefully the other shots give you some idea of what was in store.