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Jul 8, 2022 1:28 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Jill
Baltimore, MD (Zone 7b)
Daylilies Hellebores Cat Lover Region: Maryland Garden Photography Butterflies
Bee Lover
I really love seeing big picture photos that show daylily combos and the lovely views in people's gardens. I am hoping that all you talented gardeners will share here.

Royal Girls, Isabelle Rose, I Lava You combo
Thumb of 2022-07-08/Jillz/0cb0d6

Patio Bed

Thumb of 2022-07-08/Jillz/c1edd2
Jul 8, 2022 2:19 PM CST
Name: Tim
West Chicago, IL (Zone 5a)
Daylilies Native Plants and Wildflowers Vegetable Grower
Great idea, Jill. Every year I want to do more garden pictures, but I get so busy this time of year, it seems like all I can do to take documenting photos of the blooms. I'll try to do better this summer.
Jul 8, 2022 2:38 PM CST
Name: Nan
southeast Georgia (Zone 8b)
Keeps Horses Daylilies Region: Georgia Cat Lover Enjoys or suffers hot summers Composter
Organic Gardener Irises Amaryllis Butterflies Birds Vegetable Grower
Here's a picture taken last month of part of my red and white bed.
Thumb of 2022-07-08/DeweyRooter/cf732d
Geraniums, Kismet white coneflower, and Desert Flame daylily at the back.
Jul 8, 2022 2:46 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Jill
Baltimore, MD (Zone 7b)
Daylilies Hellebores Cat Lover Region: Maryland Garden Photography Butterflies
Bee Lover
I love the red and white theme Nan.
Jul 8, 2022 3:07 PM CST
Name: Julie C
Roanoke, VA (Zone 7a)
Daylilies Garden Photography Region: Virginia Photo Contest Winner: 2015 Heucheras Cat Lover
Hummingbirder Clematis Lilies Birds Garden Art Butterflies
Here are a few.
The first is mostly a clump of SKINWALKER, but LUCKY STREAK had first bloom today right in front of it. The big yellow is NANNERS.
Thumb of 2022-07-08/floota/e529f5

GREAT GOLD HEIST is in foreground, the orange clump to left is BOB MARLEY.

Two Judy Davissons here, foreground is WEBSTER GIRLS. The lighter pink behind it is DANCE LIKE A FOOL.
Thumb of 2022-07-08/floota/7f9860
Jul 8, 2022 3:15 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Jill
Baltimore, MD (Zone 7b)
Daylilies Hellebores Cat Lover Region: Maryland Garden Photography Butterflies
Bee Lover
Wow Julie! That looks like daylily heaven Lovey dubby
Jul 9, 2022 12:27 PM CST
Name: Laura
SE Michigan (Zone 5b)
Bee Lover Birds Daylilies Dragonflies Hummingbirder Hybridizer
Region: Michigan Celebrating Gardening: 2015
Here's a few shots of the jungle bed by our deck. All my daylilies have to be fenced to protect them from the deer. It's not pretty and my plants are crammed way too close together - I can't walk in there much during June-September or scapes get broken or buds knocked off… I didn't have time to do spring cleanup and weeds are abundant right now. I'm only at about maybe 20% bloom here, expecting peak in a week or so. Welcome to the jungle 😊 The deer do nibble on the echinacea. I also have a big daylily only bed that you can sort of see in the distance.

Thumb of 2022-07-09/twixanddud/480e4d

Thumb of 2022-07-09/twixanddud/814411

Thumb of 2022-07-09/twixanddud/2650bd

Thumb of 2022-07-09/twixanddud/f8df10
Jul 9, 2022 1:44 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Jill
Baltimore, MD (Zone 7b)
Daylilies Hellebores Cat Lover Region: Maryland Garden Photography Butterflies
Bee Lover
Laura after years of practice I have trained myself not to see weeds. Big Grin
Looks like a happy place.
Avatar for hawkeye_daddy
Jul 10, 2022 10:58 AM CST
SE Iowa
Nan, I would have never thought to put a geranium directly in the ground. I love it!!!! I also like your white coneflower. Might make a good substitute for Shasta daisy, which is not reliably perennial here.

Laura, I take exception to your statement that "it's not pretty" cuz it IS pretty. I love the hot orange coneflower and (what I think is maybe?) bee balm especially. I have been tempted to try both in my long border, but have hesitated. Coneflowers can get so big, and the foliage tends to look pretty ratty here by late summer. Bee balm, I've heard, spreads a lot if you let it. My space is limited.

Jill, your daylilies are beautiful, and I love the cultivar combinations. That is something I'm still trying to work out by trial and error. So far, it's mostly error!!! I decide on paper what should work well together for color, bloom season, height, etc. Then, they do not perform as expected, and it takes three years or so to know that beyond a shadow of a doubt!

I try to treat my raised beds like containers, but limited to thrillers and fillers. The goal has been to have plants that alternate being one or the other, depending on the season. I'm getting there slowly, but there are always setbacks. I had to divide iris last year, and that little chore set back everything. I also took some of the spring bulbs out while I was at it, and I maybe got a little carried away in one of the beds. Didn't do enough in the other. Here's a couple looks at the spring layers.
Thumb of 2022-07-10/hawkeye_daddy/e386b1
Thumb of 2022-07-10/hawkeye_daddy/e4565d

And here it is more recently
Thumb of 2022-07-10/hawkeye_daddy/262dd3

Because there is so much crammed in these beds, I have given up on trying to plant any other perennials or annuals to extend the bloom season. I'm going to be content just to let it be a foliage garden after daylily season. I do like the red castor beans planted behind these beds, though. They are growing between them this year only because they volunteered to be there, and I'm letting them alone because there is a pretty nice pumpkin vine with them!
Avatar for hawkeye_daddy
Jul 11, 2022 10:49 AM CST
SE Iowa
Photo is pretty underwhelming, partly because each clump only had 1 blossom, and all were facing a different way. Mostly because my camera simply will not capture the color of Elizabeth Salter, who is shown here with Dublin Elaine and Spanish Beauty. I love, love, love these together, and they seem to like one another.
Thumb of 2022-07-11/hawkeye_daddy/58e316

This is a new experiment started last Sunday. My brother-in-law gifted me with a pot stand when he moved from his townhouse to a condo. I wasn't keen on it at first, but changed my mind this spring. Found some along the same lines at Menards, albeit not nearly as sturdy or attractive. Planted them up with rescue clearance plants, and was concerned about their ability to remain upright. We had a warned thunderstorm that banged on for nearly an hour this morning, and it did not knock them over! Portable color plus height is a good thing!

Thumb of 2022-07-11/hawkeye_daddy/bfc71e
Avatar for hawkeye_daddy
Jul 12, 2022 12:19 PM CST
SE Iowa
Come on, guys!!! I feel like I'm monopolizing this thread now! Did I put you all off by oversharing? I would love your honest opinions, and, of course, I am not above stealing a great idea from somebody else...

These three were moved together last fall: The "Bonus" noid, Heavenly Flight of Angels, and Ice Carnival. There is tall ageratum Dondo Blue (annual) as filler, and a Henryii clematis that isn't blooming now. I am liking the combo so far. Seems to accent that spider bloom. Calling it my white vignette.
Thumb of 2022-07-12/hawkeye_daddy/c5b9bc
Jul 12, 2022 12:34 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Jill
Baltimore, MD (Zone 7b)
Daylilies Hellebores Cat Lover Region: Maryland Garden Photography Butterflies
Bee Lover
I like the ageratum as a companion plant with the pale color of the hems. Thumbs up
Jul 12, 2022 3:55 PM CST
Name: Tim
West Chicago, IL (Zone 5a)
Daylilies Native Plants and Wildflowers Vegetable Grower
Here's a peek at part of my seedling bed.

Thumb of 2022-07-12/Lyshack/7336ef
In front is High Water Mark x Lavender Blue Planet, with some Good Clean Thoughts kids and a really nice blooming red which is from a reblooming seedling I have, hoping it will come back in Sept and bloom a little more.
Jul 13, 2022 6:48 AM CST
Name: Orion
Boston, MA (Zone 7a)
Bee Lover Birds Butterflies Daylilies Dragonflies Foliage Fan
Lilies Lover of wildlife (Raccoon badge)
SC Red Eyed Monster, Crabby Old Man, and ACAXGG204 seedling.
Thumb of 2022-07-13/plasko20/1e55cc

Megatron tucked in beside a variegated phlox, a hydrangea, and a rose of sharon. Bordered by white rocks from the beach.
Thumb of 2022-07-13/plasko20/f95250
Gardening: So exciting I wet my plants!
Avatar for hawkeye_daddy
Jul 13, 2022 1:26 PM CST
SE Iowa
Hot Wire, Campfire NOID, Balls of Red, and Savory are playing nice together. Hot Wire will quit before the rest of them, but Campfire NOID will bloom nearly all season. Hot Wire sometimes will rebloom, though not reliably.
Thumb of 2022-07-13/hawkeye_daddy/c45144

In the back is this year's onion crop. Doing surprisingly well considering how late it was when they went in this year. But probably not lovely to look at, huh?
Jul 13, 2022 1:37 PM CST
Name: Orion
Boston, MA (Zone 7a)
Bee Lover Birds Butterflies Daylilies Dragonflies Foliage Fan
Lilies Lover of wildlife (Raccoon badge)
Thanks for the acorn, Hawkeye. Thank You! Thumbs up
Gardening: So exciting I wet my plants!
Jul 16, 2022 3:05 PM CST
Name: Rita Buehner
Kennesaw Ga (Zone 7a)
I wish the overview of my gardens looked as good as these closeups. All your photos look amazing and enjoyable! Thx for sharing...

Pinwheel Princess, Stringbean with Jason Salter adding color to the background
Thumb of 2022-07-16/Ritabees/38e4fe

Stick Figure, Siloam Ury Winifred, Wineberry Candy
Thumb of 2022-07-16/Ritabees/6b7938

Fruitful Endeavor with Gaura
Thumb of 2022-07-16/Ritabees/0892d2
Last edited by Ritabees Jul 16, 2022 3:11 PM Icon for preview
Avatar for wormgirl
Jul 16, 2022 5:29 PM CST
Nashville, Tennessee
Here are a few of my flower beds.
Thumb of 2022-07-16/wormgirl/70bac0

Thumb of 2022-07-16/wormgirl/4a40b1

Thumb of 2022-07-16/wormgirl/414630

Thumb of 2022-07-16/wormgirl/c087e3
Jul 16, 2022 5:55 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Jill
Baltimore, MD (Zone 7b)
Daylilies Hellebores Cat Lover Region: Maryland Garden Photography Butterflies
Bee Lover
Lovely Rita and wormgirl Thumbs up
Jul 16, 2022 7:01 PM CST
Name: Valerie
Ontario, Canada (Zone 4a)
Bee Lover Ponds Peonies Irises Garden Art Dog Lover
Daylilies Cat Lover Region: Canadian Butterflies Birds Enjoys or suffers cold winters
I agree beautiful!
Touch_of_sky on the LA
Canada Zone 5a

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  • Replies: 56, views: 6,010
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