Jillz said: I really love seeing big picture photos that show daylily combos and the lovely views in people's gardens. I am hoping that all you talented gardeners will share here.
Royal Girls, Isabelle Rose, I Lava You combo
Patio Bed
caitlinsgarden said: I love these! What are the DL's in the last pic on the bottom left?
hawkeye_daddy said: Cross posting from the 3's thread. Generally, I like the combination of the big yellow NOID with Wilson Spider, Fuchsia Dream, and (not in this photo) Kirsten's Corsage. That is, IF those non yellow varieties can get established enough to compete with the giant yellow NOID. I thought Fuchsia Dream and Kirsten's would be taller. Maybe next year!!!!
Frillylily said: Have you considered Newberry Frilly Lady as your NOID?
Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Newberry Frilly Lady')
Lyshack said: That's Thais (Munson) x (Nana Nance (Todd) x Victoria Josephine (Todd) )
It's a 2018 seedling which is doing well, and mellowing a little with age. It's first year the eye looked like I painted it on with yellow mustard, but it's calming down. I haven't collected stats on it, but maybe I can get out next week with a tape measure and count bud scars if it matters to you.