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Jul 31, 2022 7:57 PM CST
Name: Tim
West Chicago, IL (Zone 5a)
Daylilies Native Plants and Wildflowers Vegetable Grower
A few looks from the seedling bed
Thumb of 2022-08-01/Lyshack/5deaec

Thumb of 2022-08-01/Lyshack/fae04f

Thumb of 2022-08-01/Lyshack/0e4196
Avatar for hawkeye_daddy
Aug 2, 2022 2:17 PM CST
SE Iowa
The middle child took this photo of the backyard looking southeast while I was away in Idaho.
Thumb of 2022-08-02/hawkeye_daddy/b0953d
Aug 2, 2022 2:20 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Jill
Baltimore, MD (Zone 7b)
Daylilies Hellebores Cat Lover Region: Maryland Garden Photography Butterflies
Bee Lover
That looks like a nice place to sit, hawkeye.
Avatar for hawkeye_daddy
Aug 5, 2022 11:59 AM CST
SE Iowa
Erin Lea seems to go with everything. Here she is with Fuchsia Dreams.
Thumb of 2022-08-05/hawkeye_daddy/8ab1f8
Aug 6, 2022 2:34 PM CST
Name: Tim
West Chicago, IL (Zone 5a)
Daylilies Native Plants and Wildflowers Vegetable Grower
Patio garden pic featuring Tree Turtles and Time is Nigh which look nice together for weeks into the late summer.
Thumb of 2022-08-06/Lyshack/afc2db

My orange and yellow section is also set up to peak later. L to R, Clemson Girls (sideways, hard to see), Goldners Bouquet, Carrick Wildon, The Jury's Out.
Thumb of 2022-08-06/Lyshack/d29b7b
Avatar for hawkeye_daddy
Aug 7, 2022 5:58 PM CST
SE Iowa
Cross posting from the 3's thread. Generally, I like the combination of the big yellow NOID with Wilson Spider, Fuchsia Dream, and (not in this photo) Kirsten's Corsage. That is, IF those non yellow varieties can get established enough to compete with the giant yellow NOID. I thought Fuchsia Dream and Kirsten's would be taller. Maybe next year!!!!
Thumb of 2022-08-07/hawkeye_daddy/99f3b6
Aug 7, 2022 6:38 PM CST
Name: James
California (Zone 8b)
Lyshack said: A few looks from the seedling bed
Thumb of 2022-08-01/Lyshack/fae04f

Those are some nice watermarked purples, and it looks as if they even have a prominent label. Whistling
Can you share any info on them?
Aug 7, 2022 6:48 PM CST
Name: Charley
Arroyo Seco New Mexico (Zone 4b)
Don’t trust all-purpose glue.
Garden Ideas: Level 1
Thumb of 2022-08-08/Charlemagne/d79b5e
SEARS TOWER and a couple of shy purple coneflowers.

I’d rather have questions that can’t be answered than answers that can’t be questioned.
Aug 7, 2022 7:02 PM CST
Name: Marcia
Rochester, ny, zone 6 (Zone 6b)
Dog Lover Dragonflies
Such nice pics of all your gardens and Daylily pairings.
Here are a few I found.

Kindly light, Bertie Ferris, Paper Butterfly on the left
Thumb of 2022-08-08/DaylilyDazzled/e80c1b

Linda Bell with Butterfly weed
Thumb of 2022-08-08/DaylilyDazzled/531e1b

Mary Todd and Prairie Blue Eyes
Thumb of 2022-08-08/DaylilyDazzled/765d5f

Cretaceous Crunch and Beautiful Edgings
Thumb of 2022-08-08/DaylilyDazzled/b6d7bf

Primal Scream, Daisy, and Satan's Passion,
Thumb of 2022-08-08/DaylilyDazzled/74a0ff

Claimed Blessings with noids
Thumb of 2022-08-08/DaylilyDazzled/6031c1
Westchester Blue Eyes, Hyperion, South Seas is the one in the back
Thumb of 2022-08-08/DaylilyDazzled/3d74c5
Aug 7, 2022 7:19 PM CST
Name: Tim
West Chicago, IL (Zone 5a)
Daylilies Native Plants and Wildflowers Vegetable Grower
Oh sure, James. That's Thais (Munson) x (Nana Nance (Todd) x Victoria Josephine (Todd) )

I've saved quite a few Nana Nance x Vicky seedlings, but the one that supplied the pollen:

Thumb of 2022-08-08/Lyshack/11877d

It's a 2018 seedling which is doing well, and mellowing a little with age. It's first year the eye looked like I painted it on with yellow mustard, but it's calming down. I haven't collected stats on it, but maybe I can get out next week with a tape measure and count bud scars if it matters to you.

Thumb of 2022-08-08/Lyshack/9ea148
Thumb of 2022-08-08/Lyshack/1c9b9c
Thumb of 2022-08-08/Lyshack/d9df45
Aug 7, 2022 8:26 PM CST
Name: Julie C
Roanoke, VA (Zone 7a)
Daylilies Garden Photography Region: Virginia Photo Contest Winner: 2015 Heucheras Cat Lover
Hummingbirder Clematis Lilies Birds Garden Art Butterflies
Here are a few candids.
Thumb of 2022-08-08/floota/17a0e0
Thumb of 2022-08-08/floota/c6aba9
Thumb of 2022-08-08/floota/6ef2d8
Thumb of 2022-08-08/floota/6bd04e
Thumb of 2022-08-08/floota/ea241d
Thumb of 2022-08-08/floota/674c86
Thumb of 2022-08-08/floota/9074fd
Avatar for caitlinsgarden
Aug 9, 2022 9:20 AM CST
Name: Sharon
McGregor IA (Zone 4b)
Jillz said: I really love seeing big picture photos that show daylily combos and the lovely views in people's gardens. I am hoping that all you talented gardeners will share here.

Royal Girls, Isabelle Rose, I Lava You combo
Thumb of 2022-07-08/Jillz/0cb0d6

Patio Bed

Thumb of 2022-07-08/Jillz/c1edd2

I love these! What are the DL's in the last pic on the bottom left?
Aug 9, 2022 9:46 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Jill
Baltimore, MD (Zone 7b)
Daylilies Hellebores Cat Lover Region: Maryland Garden Photography Butterflies
Bee Lover
caitlinsgarden said: I love these! What are the DL's in the last pic on the bottom left?

Bottom left includes:
After Dune Delight
The Food Channel
Silver Sword
Avatar for Frillylily
Aug 9, 2022 5:34 PM CST
Missouri (Zone 6a)
Bulbs Enjoys or suffers cold winters Enjoys or suffers hot summers Ponds Peonies Region: Missouri
Lilies Keeper of Koi Irises Hydrangeas Garden Photography Cottage Gardener
hawkeye_daddy said: Cross posting from the 3's thread. Generally, I like the combination of the big yellow NOID with Wilson Spider, Fuchsia Dream, and (not in this photo) Kirsten's Corsage. That is, IF those non yellow varieties can get established enough to compete with the giant yellow NOID. I thought Fuchsia Dream and Kirsten's would be taller. Maybe next year!!!!
Thumb of 2022-08-07/hawkeye_daddy/99f3b6

Have you considered Newberry Frilly Lady as your NOID?
Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Newberry Frilly Lady')
Avatar for hawkeye_daddy
Aug 9, 2022 7:43 PM CST
SE Iowa
Frillylily said: Have you considered Newberry Frilly Lady as your NOID?
Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Newberry Frilly Lady')

I'm afraid that one doesn't match. It isn't quite old enough, the scapes are shorter, and the bloom isn't as big. Also looks fringed. Mine runs about 32-34 inch scapes, is ruffled but not fringed, and the flowers are a good nine inches. Thanks for trying to help, though:)
Aug 10, 2022 11:43 AM CST
Name: James
California (Zone 8b)
Lyshack said: That's Thais (Munson) x (Nana Nance (Todd) x Victoria Josephine (Todd) )
It's a 2018 seedling which is doing well, and mellowing a little with age. It's first year the eye looked like I painted it on with yellow mustard, but it's calming down. I haven't collected stats on it, but maybe I can get out next week with a tape measure and count bud scars if it matters to you.

Thanks for the extra photos and insight, Tim. It's very nice, hopefully it will be available some day.
Avatar for hawkeye_daddy
Aug 13, 2022 2:05 PM CST
SE Iowa
Thought I'd post a few pics of the things that are holding down the fort as the daylily blooms retreat.

Vesuvius nasturtium, planted in the peachy pink vignette
Thumb of 2022-08-13/hawkeye_daddy/889c52

Black Velvet nasturtium, planted in the black/red section
Thumb of 2022-08-13/hawkeye_daddy/daa8df

Crego asters and Dondo ageratum in the mixed border
Thumb of 2022-08-13/hawkeye_daddy/0dd421

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  • Started by: Jillz
  • Replies: 56, views: 6,028
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