Your picture reminded me of when I lived in town with a small front yard. My daylily bed was planted there. Like yours, my daylilies had white paper price tags flying in the breezes with crosses noted on them.
Our mail was delivered on foot to the front door. One day when I was out there working as the mailman came he asked if I was "a botanist or something".
He said I was the talk of the substation because a substitute had carried the route and told everyone about the house with the white paper tags hanging all over the flowers. 😂
I guess they don't have much to talk about! Of course I explained what I was doing. All the seedling daylilies were supposed to be planted in the back yard. It didn't happen because I had to move out before the next spring.
PS I later stopped using paper tags because it rained enough in summer here that the blowing about when they were damp caused a lot of them to get torn, frayed, or abraded so much they were illegible. I switched to using colored paper clips.