sooby said: Thanks @Char it's not something I would use and it seems rather misleading, seeming to confirm the idea that somehow "dormant" daylilies are always hardier than semi-evs which are always hardier than evergreen, which is not the case.
From the AHS website: Foliage Habit "This term refers to the winter behavior of daylily leaves. Daylilies are either deciduous, semi-evergreen or evergreen. This indicates how the cultivar's foliage passes winters in the hybridizer's garden, but is not necessarily an indication of how it will behave elsewhere under differing environmental conditions. Note that hardiness and foliage habit are inherited separately, thus not all evergreens are tender and not all deciduous plants are hardy."
sooby said: I wonder where those hardiness zones come from, because on looking up the zones for a few cultivars I have I see evergreens that should not be surviving here but are and non-evergreens that should be but have struggled. It doesn't seem to be automatically related to foliage type. @Char do you know where the hardiness zone range per cultivar came from? I remember Roycroft's doing a survey on the AHS email Robin years ago for certain cultivars and people could input where they grew and the zone. But that wouldn't cover all daylilies.
Char said: The zone range is a data set that is entered with new daylilies. I don't know who came up with it, guess it's a function of the NGA database.The way it works is
Dormant=zone 3
It's not perfect for all daylilies, but if there's images or comments you can see where the member is (most of the time) and Daylily of the Day can give you more info. When those don't work you always ask in the Daylilies forum.
Passionate4gardening said: you miss that". I then thought I put 2 and 2 together and figured out why my "Becky Lynn" (planted last year) didn't survive the winter.
adknative said: As Char pointed out, daylily forum cannot just change an entry used by many other gardeners.
Char said:
1) We, meaning the Daylilies forum or members can't just change a major data section of the database.
plasko20 said: Yes, greenhouses would render the "hybridizer location" information useless.