Milford69 said: Got some. My son got some great pics.

Aww..what a cute pair of new leaves. So it is just new leaves growing a bit too etiolated, can you raise your container higher and closer to a window, ideally a south or west facing window?
Pups are the babies/clones of the mother plant. Anyhow, for your plant, not pups..I misunderstood your description earlier.
Sometimes, since this plant is such a very, very slow growing plant, it may be starting new pups way below the soil just observe as it goes, it does take awhile.
Overall your plant looks great seeing it is forming new leaves..but do try to give it much more light. So those new leaves will grow even better.
To give you an idea later how your plant may show it has pups,
here is my Sago palm. I grow this outdoors year round, and there were two years it lost all the leaves. So I was left with just the mother caudex. Eventually, as I moved it to stronger light and been watering it, finally a year after new leaves growing at the it decided to grow several pups. I have decided to just leave them as is. Not going to disturb them.
Typically if one wants to separate and repot the babies, wait till the babies are about half the size of mommy plant.
Cannot see the caudex of the baby sago, it is below soil line, so all I see are the new leaves forming around the base of the plant.

Actually all the existing leaves you see on my plant are from the several pups at the base of mommy caudex.
I am not sure if mother caudex will try to send new leaves later, but the tip portion sure looks alive, so it maybe just so slow or giving all its energy to the existing pups.