I'm not sure all Cyclamens behave the same way. Some are hardy, some not. Usually I kill them within a few weeks but my newest one was purchased in March and it has never stopped blooming through the heat and suddenly the past few weeks looks like it is going dormant. I don't know what it did before I got it but it's acting the opposite of what I thought I knew about Cyclamens - that they are winter bloomers. My plant is acting more like an Adenium. No idea if that's a real cultivar or just a cutesy "nickname" for whatever species it is. Species name would be much more helpful so we could look up the hardiness.
Cyclamen Tianisยฎ White
Series: Tianisยฎ
Trade Name: White
Cultivar name: 'Tianis White'
I couldn't find any other info to add, just places that want to sell it.