I was outside briefly today, and was surprised to see TEAGAN poking up through some Bermuda Buttercup. (For those who don't know, BB is a non-CA native oxalis which is widely naturalized in the Bay Area here. I rather like it, but try to keep it confined to the creek banks. Somehow some of it got up into one of the raised beds next to the house, and even though I pull it out every spring (trying to get those pip things it sprouts from), still it comes back.

Alas, no photo - by the time I was able to come back outside with the camera, it was getting dark AND I discovered that the camera didn't have a memory card in it.

Maybe tomorrow, if I remember.
But you can use your imagination

Ignoring the rebloom on the CHARISMATIC seedling (most of which froze), I'm calling this the first iris bloom of 2023 here. (There may be something blooming down in The Pit or out in the Back 40, but I'm not up for navigating steps if I don't have to...)