Dunno why I never clicked around in here before. Look what I was missing - that's awesome! Your pics make me want to get out the paint & make my stuff/area prettier! Maybe the next time I feel like plant shopping? Ha!
DH made this. I love it! The plastic tub can be lifted out as needed, covered or left open to air out. When it's removed, it's easy to sweep the surface out of the 'hole' it sits in, though I'm a pretty messy potter.
Then his boss said he could have this demo carport thing which adds much needed shelter from sun & rain.
Then he snagged a curbside bathroom sink & finagled an attachment for it at the end of the bench. It has a crack in it, but that's fine. It's hooked up to the spigot with a "Y" thing so one can allow the flow to this or not. The hardware store had a thing when I told them we wanted to hook a bathroom sink to a garden hose, just about $2 I think. It adapts the hose to the inflow hole on the sink. It drains into a bucket since I don't use it often or run much water when I do. If emptying the bucket becomes too much of a chore, a pipe could be run to adjacent planting area. If we did that, I'd like to have a "y" valve to still divert drainage into a bucket for when I'm using bleach or soap, sometimes CLR on glass items.
The next sink we find, he said we'll make a bird bath. Being able to let the water out the hole in the bottom (which would also be a hollow pole, holding it up) would be so easy compared to the traditional, heavy kinds that breeds mosquitoes and algae because they're hard to clean/empty. Since it's a little deep, I thought it would look nice with some pretty rocks in there, just to make sure nobody drowns, birds can all get out. I'm also thinking it might need some 'roughing up' or something done so it's not so slippery around the edge/surface. I wonder if it would be possible to 'glue' a layer of sand on there? If anyone has an idea, I'd love to hear it!