purpleinopp said: My pleasure!
Along with the others, I am curious about the location. Not trying to invade your privacy but could you tell us at least the state or country? I'm sure you don't need me to tell you that the most basic factor of any gardening effort is the location.
purpleinopp said:
We are all at the mercy of our location.
Arico said: Am I really the only one who questions the sanity/capability of this woman to keep horses?![]()
That women should be given a lesson in good animal husbandry.
Arico said: Am I really the only one who questions the sanity/capability of this woman to keep horses?![]()
That women should be given a lesson in good animal husbandry.
Meandmyroses said: I have visited many studs, a method some used, called" deep litter"
Let's the dung pile up, and top with sawdust.
This method is often used for foals or yearlings.
The thinking is, it keeps warm for Overwintering , and it's good to keep the hoof off a hard floor.
I have never used this method personally for my own foals "welsh cob's"
Didn't like the look of it to be honest, each to his own I suppose….
But there's one thing I do know, Americans love their horses, big time
sallyg said: I think deep litter method has been tried by some adolescent humans in Their bedrooms.