ATP Series: The Daylilies of Lee Pickles
Many of us know Lee Pickles from attending the Region 10 Mid-Winter Symposium, or "MWS," which was first held in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Lee always scheduled a great line-up of very educational topics and speakers. I used to go, and I learned so much each time I went. Lee was the first person to organize such an event in the winter, giving all of us daylily addicts a place to get together and meet other daylily people, see slides of the latest introductions and upcoming seedlings - but most important - to attend talks by the top hybridizers, plantsmen, horticulturalists etc. Other Regions soon followed his example, and now it is common for Regions to put on winter meetings. We have Lee to thank for this!
Lee joined the AHS in 1986. In 2009, Lee was the recipient of the Helen Field Fisher Gold Medal. This award is the AHS highest honor, and is given in recognition of distinguished and meritorious service rendered the AHS by a member on the national level. Lee not only put on the MWS for many years, but he was also RVP for his Region, and the newsletter editor for many years. His efforts brought an AHS Best Newsletter Award to The Daylily Appeal in 2000.
Lee and his wife Jean are both from Iowa, where they were married in 1957. They both graduated from Iowa State Teacher's College, and both accepted teaching positions in Council Bluffs, Iowa. They moved to Tennessee in 1974. Lee retired in 1998. At that time, he was working in administration for the University of Tennessee College of Medicine. Jean taught fourth grade most of her career and is also retired.
I remember reading on the AHS Robin of many trout fishing trips that they went on, although Lee says they no longer go. If you go to Lee's Blog, and I hope you do - you will find that they both love dogs, and have been blessed with some fine dogs in their lives. Lee and Jean love to travel, and currently one of their favorite spots is the Napa Valley.
Early on, Lee was influenced and encouraged by local hybridizer Denver Scott, and by Illinois hybridizer Doc Branch. In 1994, Lee and Jean bought a couple acres in Hixson TN, which is a little north of Chattanooga. They built a greenhouse there, and most of the hybridizing is done in the greenhouse during March and April. Lee says that earlier seed set allows for earlier planting, which leads to 90-95% chance they will bloom the second season with 60-70% blooming in 9 months. Lee used to grow 3000-5000 seedlings each year, but these days grows around 1,200.
In 1995, Lee introduced his first daylily 'Choo Choo Fantasy' and has registered 150 daylilies. Lee has won 4 Honorable Mentions - Choo Choo Fantasy in 2003, Denver Scott and Awesome Bob in 2007, and Pardon Me Boy in 2008. Benjamin, Doc Branch, Eleanor Frye and Pardon Me Boy all won Junior Citations.
As stated in the spotlight we did on Bob Carr, Lee and Bob were great friends. Lee has used many of Bob's daylilies through the years. One of Lee's intros is Awesome Bob. That nickname for Bob began during MWS. When I looked at Lee's registrations in the ATP Database, I see several of Bob's intros as parents... Wonder Of It All, Sherry Lane Carr, Thunder And Lightening, Quality of Mercy, America's Most Wanted.... Lee continues to use his friend's lines and he is producing some lovely daylilies from them.
Max Pickles is a 2006 intro out with Awesome Bob as one of the parents.
Lee also works with relief sculpting. Groovy Guy and Groovy Chic are great examples of relief sculpting.
Lee has a blog that I enjoy reading. If you have not read it before, you might want to check it out. There is a great deal of good information on growing seedlings, among other information.
For more information, go to Lee's website
Lee, being an optimist, always closes his AHS Robin posts with "Life is very, very good."