Discovering Passion, the Flowers of Passiflora

By Char
May 21, 2013

The genus Passiflora contains some of the most beautiful and intriguing flowers in the world of tropical plants. With their mysterious blooms, Passionflowers will add an exotic touch to your garden or container planting.

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May 20, 2013 7:28 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Ann ~Heat zn 9, Sunset
North Fl. (Zone 8b)
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I enjoyed this article very much. Quite informative.
Can you tell us which ones utilize hummingbirds for pollination?
I am a strong believer in the simple fact is that what matters in this life is how we treat others. I think that's what living is all about. Not what I've done in my life but how I've treated others. ~~ Sharon Brown
May 20, 2013 8:33 PM CST
Name: Gigi AdeniumPlumeria
Florida (Zone 9b)
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I agree the blooms are gorgeous!
©by Gigi Adenium Plumeria "Gardening is my favorite pastime. I grow whatever plant that catches my attention. I also enjoy hand pollinating desert roses.”
May 20, 2013 9:01 PM CST
Name: James
Fabens,TX (Zone 8a)
Greenhouse Hibiscus Plumerias Roses
I enjoyed your article very much. Am trying my beginner hand with the Maypop now, have been able to get 3 up from seeds. One seems to be growing about an 1in. a day.
May 20, 2013 9:03 PM CST
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Name: Evan
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Everything you ever wanted to know and more, more, more. Thumbs up
May 21, 2013 2:13 AM CST
Name: Chris
Ripon, Wisconsin
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Great article Char! Incredibly beautiful flowers. Lovey dubby
May 21, 2013 7:21 AM CST
Name: Ursula
Fair Lawn NJ, zone 7a
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Well done! Such a nice articles and beautiful blooms! Lovey dubby
May 21, 2013 12:30 PM CST
Name: woofie
NE WA (Zone 5a)
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Which passiflora is the one that shows up on the home page on the link to the article? That's one I haven't seen before and it's lovely!
Confidence is that feeling you have right before you do something really stupid.
May 21, 2013 3:40 PM CST
Name: Char
Vermont (Zone 4b)
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So glad you've all enjoyed the article, Thank you. The flowers are just the coolest things to see in person and worth the effort to try growing in areas outside of the tropical plant range.They really are pretty easy to grow, the hardest is keeping them over the winter without a greenhouse to give them the light they need. The ones here just went outside for the summer and look a bit ragged, but they grow extremely fast and will be blooming by mid summer.

I would have to look up the specific passi's pollinated by hummingbirds. I have seen the hummers around the red ones here, but am not aware of any pollinating being done with resulting fruit.

The passi in the home page thumbnail is Passiflora 'Crimson Tears' hybridized by Roland Fischer and named in 2002 for the anniversary of September 11, 2001. Another red, in the center of the first row of images with the white inner corona, is P. 'Lady Margaret'. Excellent bloomer and very easy to overwinter.
May 21, 2013 5:35 PM CST
Name: Anna
North Texas (Zone 8a)
Charter ATP Member Clematis I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Region: Texas Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Garden Ideas: Level 1
Very informative! I never realized how many different kinds there are.Has anyone tasted the fruit?
May 22, 2013 5:53 PM CST
7A (Zone 7a)
Avid Green Pages Reviewer Garden Ideas: Level 1
Char, you have enabled me to try these and Brushwood doesn't have Inspiration or Incense in stock which are hardy for zone 7. Is there another vendor you would recommend? Also wondering if I would see blooms the first yr?
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Last edited by dormantsrule May 22, 2013 5:54 PM Icon for preview
May 22, 2013 6:36 PM CST
Name: woofie
NE WA (Zone 5a)
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I don't know about vendors, but I bought Incense (which is essentially Inspiration) from a co-op and mine bloomed the first year. Really lovely, although not as fragrant as I'd hoped. Unfortunately, I didn't get mine indoors before things froze, so I lost it. Sigh.
Confidence is that feeling you have right before you do something really stupid.
May 22, 2013 7:26 PM CST
7A (Zone 7a)
Avid Green Pages Reviewer Garden Ideas: Level 1
woofie said:I don't know about vendors, but I bought Incense (which is essentially Inspiration) from a co-op and mine bloomed the first year. Really lovely, although not as fragrant as I'd hoped. Unfortunately, I didn't get mine indoors before things froze, so I lost it. Sigh.

Thanks woofie.
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May 22, 2013 7:30 PM CST
Name: woofie
NE WA (Zone 5a)
Charter ATP Member Garden Procrastinator Greenhouse Dragonflies Plays in the sandbox I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database!
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You might check with Mamajack to see if she has any Inspiration left. She had a co-op a few weeks ago and I bought a couple from her. Very nice, healthy plants.
Confidence is that feeling you have right before you do something really stupid.
May 23, 2013 2:19 PM CST
Name: Char
Vermont (Zone 4b)
Daylilies Forum moderator Region: Vermont Enjoys or suffers cold winters Hybridizer Dog Lover
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A few passi sources include

Brushwood Nursery


Grassy Knoll

Georgia Vines

The only one of these I've ordered from is Logee's and the plants were excellent when they arrived. They are in Ct. so the plants have a short ship time.The others I window shop and wish for a greenhouse to put them all in.... I have purchased my not-a-raffle raffle tickets hoping to place an order with Brushwood Nursery Smiling Depending on which passi you choose you should see blooms the first year, most grow very quickly to bloom size. Some will even bloom when brought in for the winter if given enough light, P. citrina and P.' Lady Margaret' have both bloomed during the early winter here.

Incense and Inspiration are from the same crossing, P. incarnata x P. cincinnata, but they are not the same hybrid and have differences noted not only in their registration but in general information. Incense is said to be more cold tolerant than Inspiration, although I've never tested this. The flowers of Inspiration can appear to be a deeper more vibrant shade of purple and the corona fuller maybe due to the slight color difference. Another difference is all clones (or cuttings) of Incense have a virus from the original hybrid plant. The virus doesn't hurt the plant or make it any less desirable for growing, but under stress affects the leaves with yellow spotting. The virus can be transfered to other passi's in a collection ( dirty tools etc.) so if you grow it just keep it seperate from your others and be sure to sanitize tools.

The hummingbird pollinated passi's are from the Supersection Tacsonia and have pendant flowers with long floral tubes. They do have specific cultural needs. Most growers/suppliers should be able to help with info and advice on growing and caring for them.
May 23, 2013 4:24 PM CST
Name: woofie
NE WA (Zone 5a)
Charter ATP Member Garden Procrastinator Greenhouse Dragonflies Plays in the sandbox I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database!
The WITWIT Badge I helped plan and beta test the plant database. Dog Lover Enjoys or suffers cold winters Container Gardener Seed Starter
Char, thanks for the information on the difference between Incense and Inspiration! I knew they were from the same cross and wondered what the difference was, other than the hybridizer. Very nice article!
Confidence is that feeling you have right before you do something really stupid.
May 25, 2013 9:49 AM CST
Name: Monica
Texas Gulf Coast (Zone 9b)
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'Incense' is lovely, but exhibits the P. incarnata (maypop, actually should be called "will-pop") habit of running all over the garden by underground runners in the deep south. Mine is now jailed in a large pot, sitting on a concrete pad. Rarely get a complete flower as the Gulf Fritillary caterpillars enjoy the buds as well as the leaves :(

Thumb of 2013-05-25/krancmm/2eb9ee
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