I love balloon flowers! I have 30" tall blue single-flowered ones growing next to a walk. I invite visitors to "pop" the buds like my grandmother showed me decades ago. It doesn't harm the flowers, they go ahead and develop normally.
They're easy to grow from seeds. I already had my eye on 'Fairy Snow' at Hazzard's GH. It's white with blue veins. Not as snazzy as those streaky ones Rj
@crawgarden has, but different.
They have seeds of many Platycodon varieties. Tall, dwarf, single, double, pink, white and of course blue.
I tend to favor the blue ones because there are so few blue flowered perennials that are so easy and so durable. They're in the class of perennials that will outlive the planter if given the chance. Not sure whether to love that or be envious.😄