magnolialover said: Hi joannakat,
a 10-10-10 might be a little too strong for peonies. The recommendation is typically to fertilize with a tulip/daffodil bulb fertilizer in the Fall. It is best to fertilize first so you can see where the eyes/roots are, then cut down the stems. You would want to apply the granular fertilizer around the stems.
I use Espoma Organic Bulbtone which is a 3-5-3 NPK nutrient.
Welcome and hope this is helpful.
magnolialover said: You can get them at local hardware stores or garden centers, online at places like Amazon. Also, Adelman Peonies has one they sell on their website, a granular type for peonies and they specialize in peonies. I have used that also with success.
Mieko2 said: Hi Joey,
I use Espoma bulb food, too. I've found it at independent garden centers and online at Amazon.
I did see some small bags of it at Tractor Supply a couple of weeks ago.