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Aug 26, 2023 3:45 PM CST
Thread OP
San Jose, CA Zone 9b (Zone 9b)
Can someone recommend a Peony specialty grower who has *vigorous* Peony Nightlife in stock? I want a dark purple/black color.
Thumb of 2023-08-26/pone31/727c08
Aug 27, 2023 10:46 AM CST
Name: Nick
Edmonton, Canada (Zone 3b)
'Nightlife' is not a registered peony and is likely an existing registered plant for which the label has been lost (or ignored) and has been given a commercial or trade name - something I really do not like and that causes further confusion. Because of this, I would not expect a reputable vendor to carry this and I would not recommend purchasing it. I suspect the color of this photo has been manipulated. It would be difficult to find this colour tone in natural lighting in a herbaceous peony cultivar. If you are seeking out this colour in peonies, I would take a look at the woody peony 'Pluto'.
Avatar for pone31
Aug 27, 2023 3:29 PM CST
Thread OP
San Jose, CA Zone 9b (Zone 9b)
NMay said: 'Nightlife' is not a registered peony and is likely an existing registered plant for which the label has been lost (or ignored) and has been given a commercial or trade name - something I really do not like and that causes further confusion. Because of this, I would not expect a reputable vendor to carry this and I would not recommend purchasing it. I suspect the color of this photo has been manipulated. It would be difficult to find this colour tone in natural lighting in a herbaceous peony cultivar. If you are seeking out this colour in peonies, I would take a look at the woody peony 'Pluto'.

I purchased a Nightlife Peony from Springhill Nursery through Home Depot, and wow let me say you should avoid Springhill Nursery. What they sent me was a Peony finger, not a rhizome. I asked them to send me a new one, and it was better but still nothing to brag about either. True to your comment, the main complaint in reviews online is that the color of the plant is red, not purple. Perhaps the genetics are not stable and the coloration quickly reverts to some historical base.

Regarding Pluto, I should have said I want a herbaceous Peony, not a tree. This is going into a very narrow garden up against the side of a home. It will be next to a Sarah Bernhardt Peony, so the purple needs to be a darker shade.

What do you think of Peony "Purple Spider"? I see some at the John Scheepers website that look healthy.
Thumb of 2023-08-27/pone31/ed57d6
Aug 31, 2023 2:34 PM CST
Maryland (Zone 7a)
Bookworm Roses Region: Maryland Peonies Hibiscus Herbs
Dahlias Cut Flowers Cat Lover Region: Canadian Garden Photography Butterflies
Ben Erickson is the closest herbaceous peony I have seen to that colour. Even it is not so purple but, in cool weather, it is close. Hidden springsis offering it

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