I've been away from the forum for far too long, trying to catch up! Just wanted to say that peony storage roots vary greatly depending on variety. A good division of one variety might have 3-5 eyes attached to 2 or 3 storage roots, another division might have a single very large storage root with 3-5 or more eyes and that's fine.
I've made my share of questionable plant purchases from Etsy, some have been worthwhile, others not so much. Only a couple have been peonies and I don't think either survived long enough to know if they were the right variety or not! It's a shame, places like Etsy allow the home gardener a place to sell plants to support a plant habit or add a bit of income, certainly a need in a lot of households in our current economy. I think I'll probably continue to make some purchases there but only with sellers that are willing to provide information about the roots they sell to include pics before a purchase is made. Doubt if I ever order another peony from Etsy though or any other plant with very specific diseases associated, like knowing they're coming from clean sources!